How to Strikethrough Text in Google Docs 1

How to Strikethrough Text in Google Docs

Google Docs has become one of the most used word processors on the market. There are two big benefits to using Google Docs. First, you can use it for free forever. Second, Google Docs is still king when it comes to online collaboration. However, long-time Microsoft Word users may find it a bit difficult to adapt to the Google Docs app’s user interface. In this article, I’ll show you how to strikethrough text in Google Docs, along with other formatting options.

Learn to Strikethrough Text in Google Docs (Updated May 2021)

While Google Docs may seem a bit unfamiliar, once you start using it, you can easily learn anything in a matter of days, if not hours. I find it easier to use than most word processors like Microsoft Word. And while it’s not that feature rich, it has all the basics covered. That said, let’s get into our tutorial, shall we?

Strikethrough Text in Google Docs on Web/Desktop

  • Strikethrough Text Using Format Menu

1. Select the text you want to strikethrough and Click ‘Format’ in the menu bar.

2. Now, hover over the ‘Text’ option and Click ‘Overline’.


3. That’s it. Now you have applied strikethrough to the selected text as shown below.


  • Strikethrough Text Using Keyboard Shortcut

If you want to make the process faster, remember the following keyboard shortcuts to apply strikethrough in Google Docs:

On macOS: Command + Shift + X

On Windows: Alt + Shift + 5

Strikethrough Text in Google Docs App on Android and iOS

The process looks slightly different in the Google Docs app on Android and iOS. You don’t have a menu bar on your mobile, but Google still managed to pack all the essentials in the Docs app. So, here are the steps you need to follow to strikethrough text in Google Docs on Android and iOS:

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  • Android

1. Open the document in Google Docs on your Android phone and select the text you want to cross out. Now, Tap the ‘Format’ button (four-line letter A) in the upper right corner.

Strikethrough text in Google Docs app on Android 01

2. Then, from the menu that appears, Tap the ‘Strikethrough’ button. And voila, you have successfully applied strikethrough to the selected text.

Strikethrough text in the Google Docs app on Android

  • iOS

The steps to strikethrough text in the Google Docs app on iOS are exactly the same as on Android. You have to select the text you want to strikethrough, tap the ‘Format’ button and then the ‘Strikethrough’ button from the menu.

Strikethrough text in the Google Docs app on iOS

Other Formatting Shortcuts for Google Docs

When you forget a keyboard shortcut, you can use the same “Format” menu to apply the required style to your text. However, it will be much easier if you remember some of the most commonly used keyboard shortcuts. Most are similar to those in Microsoft Word, so you shouldn’t have any problems.

  • Bold text:
    • On macOS: CMD + B
    • On Windows: Ctrl + B
  • Italicize Text:
    • On macOS: CMD + I
    • On Windows: Ctrl + I
  • Underline Text:
    • On macOS: CMD + U
    • On Windows: Ctrl + U
  • Superscript Text:
    • On macOS: CMD + .
    • On Windows: Ctrl + .
  • Subscript Text:
    • On macOS: CMD + ,
    • On Windows: Ctrl + ,
  • Increase Font Size:
    • On macOS: CMD + Shift + >
    • On Windows: Ctrl + Shift + >
  • Reduce Font Size:
    • On macOS: CMD + Shift +
    • On Windows: Ctrl + Shift +
  • Paste without formatting:
    • On macOS: CMD + Shift + V
    • On Windows: Ctrl + Shift + V

These are some of the commonly used shortcuts that I think will be of great help to you. You can view the list of supported keyboard shortcuts by pressing Ctrl + / (Windows, Chrome OS) or CMD + / (macOS). If you want to know all the relevant keyboard shortcuts, go to: Google’s documentation at the same.

Easily Apply Text Formatting in Google Docs

Google Docs has changed the way we use word processors. Rather than bringing lots of features that 90% of people will never use, it brings a clean typing experience that makes everything easy. Yes, it may take a few days to get used to some of the software’s features, but it’s worth it. Are you using Google Docs? Let us know in the comments below.

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