How to Share Photos via Messages and Mail on Apple Watch 1

How to Share Photos via Messages and Mail on Apple Watch

I prefer to sync a handful of memorable photos to my Apple Watch, often using them as watch faces. The Apple Watch’s ability to switch between synced images every time you raise your hand or tap the screen is pretty cool. What’s more, watchOS 8 now lets you set Portrait watch faces on Apple Watch for a more immersive and personal touch. Yet that is not all. Another equally useful feature added to watchOS 8 is the ability to share photos directly from your wrist. If you’re wondering how this feature works, here’s how you can share photos via Messages and Mail on Apple Watch.

Share Photos via Messages and Mail on Apple Watch (2021)

Since you can easily message people from your Apple Watch, it was only a matter of time before the company let you send photos from the wearable. Now, it’s possible, so check out the step-by-step guide below.

Sync Photos with Your Apple Watch

To get started with photo sharing in watchOS 8, make sure you sync some photos to your Apple Watch. If you haven’t synced the images to your watch yet, open the Watch app on your iPhone. At that time, to go “My Watch tab -> Photos -> Sync Album”. Now select the album you want to sync with your smartwatch.

Note that you also have the option to automatically sync highlights and memories from your iPhone to Apple Watch. In case you want to access some of your favorite images directly from your wrist, be sure to enable the “Sync Memories” and “Sync Featured Photos” toggles.

Share Photos in Messages & Mail App on Apple Watch Running watchOS 8

That said, it’s time to take a look at the steps you need to follow to send photos via the Messages & Mail app on your Apple Watch.

  1. First, click Digital Crown To go to the home screen of your Apple Watch

Now click on Digital Crown

2. Now, Photos app.

Open the Photos app on Apple Watch

3. Next, select photo Want to share with a friend or loved one via Mail or iMessage on Apple Watch?

In relation :  How to Share Your Screen on FaceTime on Mac

select photo

4. Next, tap . Share button located in the lower right corner of the screen.

Tap the share button

note: If you don’t see the Share button and it’s hidden, tap the selected photo once to view it.

5. Now, you can choose: share photo via Messages or Mail app On your Apple Watch.

Choose Messages or Mail App

5. The process is simple and quite similar for both Mail and Messages. Therefore, you should not run into any problems regardless of the communication apps you choose. In this tutorial I will send it via the official Messages app.

Tap the Messages icon (shown in the screenshot above) and then Select the “Add contact” option. After that, you can choose a recipient from your contacts or dictate a name.

add contact

6. You can also: write a short message will be sent along with the image.

write a message

7. Finally, scroll down and click “To sendTo share photos from your Apple Watch. You won’t have to unplug your iPhone for trivial tasks like this in the future.

Tap Send

The Quick Way to Send Photos via Mail and Messages in watchOS 8

This is a quick way to share your favorite images via Messages or the Mail app on your Apple Watch. This is an important step towards making the watch standalone so it can perform common tasks without relying on a paired iPhone. It’s nice that the Cupertino giant is slowly but steadily giving freedom to the Apple Watch and a life beyond the iPhone. In the meantime, what would you like to say about watchOS 8 and its cool new features like Awareness, Focus mode, and sleep breathing rate? Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.