Last October, Telegram added a feature that allows group admins to send messages anonymously. The feature Telegram calls ‘batman mode’ does not reveal anonymous admins in the group list, and messages sent by anonymized admins are signed with the group name instead of the username. Here is how you can use it in your Telegram group.
Send Anonymous Messages in Telegram Groups
Before starting the relevant steps, it is worth mentioning the following. Only admins can post anonymous messages in Telegram groups. Also, admins cannot choose to change their anonymity in their groups. If you no longer want to remain anonymous, you must ask the group owner to revoke the consent.
Enable Anonymous Group Admins in Telegram
1. If you are a group owner, you must first allow group admins to send messages anonymously. To do this, open group settings, long press one of the admin’s name and Select ‘Edit admin rights’. You can also promote a group member to admin from this page.
2. From the list of administrator rights settings, Flip the ‘Stay Anonymous’ button. Once done, tap the checkmark icon in the upper right corner of the screen to confirm and save the changes.
3. Once you have this permission, you can send messages in groups anonymously. The fourth message in the screenshot below was sent from the same account after enabling the feature. Telegram shows the name of the group in the message instead of your name. The downside of the feature is that you can’t switch between regular and anonymous messages and you have to trust the group owner to do it for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I switch between regular and anonymous messages in Telegram?
No, you cannot seamlessly switch between anonymous and regular messages. The group owner must manually revoke your ability to send anonymous messages.
2. Can a group member send anonymous messages on Telegram?
No. The anonymous group admins feature is for group admins as the name suggests. If you don’t want others to identify you, you can hide your profile picture and phone number in the privacy settings.
3. What happens to messages sent with a custom admin header?
If you have a custom admin title in the group, Telegram will display it next to your message, even if it’s posted in anonymous mode. To avoid this, you can ask the group owner to remove the custom admin title of your account.
Use Anonymous Group Admins Feature in Telegram
The anonymous group admins feature is overlooked by most Telegram users and we hope this guide will help you enable and use this feature in Telegram groups. If you have any further questions regarding this feature, feel free to reach us in the comments and we’ll try to help you out. For more such tips, check out our Telegram tips and tricks article. Also, if you are planning to switch from WhatsApp to Telegram, be sure to read our guide on importing WhatsApp chats to Telegram.