How to Send an iMessage as a Text Message 1

How to Send an iMessage as a Text Message

iMessage is a handy way to send free text and picture messages to other iPhone and iPad users, but sometimes iPhone fails to send an iMessage.

When iMessage fails to send or gets stuck due to insufficient coverage, it is possible to force iMessage to Send as a Text Message.

This works great for areas with low signal strength, sports arenas with a lot of signal congestion, or other areas where iMessages are not sent.

Here’s how to force iMessage to send a single message as a text message and set iPhone to automatically send a text message if iMessage fails.

If there is a message that refuses to send

When the options appear above, tap .

If iMessages not sending is a common problem on iPhone, you can enable them to automatically send as txt when they refuse to send.



send as SMS

This way, any iMessages that can’t be sent are automatically sent as text.

Keeping this feature enabled is great for any time iMessage is disabled so messages get delivered no matter what.

Our editor, Josh Smith, used this feature to keep in touch with friends and family during a recent storm that brought cell phone networks in Ohio to a scanning point.

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