While there are many places online to sell your old iPhone, nothing compares to the local market like Craigslist. Here’s how to sell your iPhone on Craigslist the right way.
Craigslist is pretty easy to use: create a list, find a buyer, meet up, get paid cash, and be on your way. But as simple as we wish, there are some things you’ll want to keep in mind when selling a gadget on Craigslist.
Consumer electronics is one of the most popular items sold on Craigslist; this means they get more attention from potential buyers than any other product category, leaving the door open for more scammers to get in. When selling something this expensive, scammers do their best.
Security is another important aspect of Craigslist to watch out for. While a heist is mostly a rare thing, it still happens enough that you have to be careful when meeting a potential buyer on Craigslist.
There are obviously common sense tips for selling on Craigslist, such as never listing your home address, accepting cash only, and taking someone with you when you meet, but here are some things you might not have considered when selling your iPhone. on Craigslist.
Price High
Buyers on Craigslist are notorious for making humble offers to sellers. If you’re selling your iPhone for $400, prepare to receive multiple offers for $300.
That’s why it’s important to always price your iPhone higher than what you’re asking. For example, if you’re selling your iPhone 5s for $450, list it at $500. While you will still get low offers, there will be some honest buyers who will ask if you can get $450 for it. From there, you can counter offer $475 and they’ll think they got a good deal when you actually get more than $25 than you want.
Also, there may be some buyers who will not negotiate with you at all, which is the best-case scenario, especially if you have priced your product high.
Meet Near Home
It’s common sense to meet in a common area with other people just to avoid getting robbed. However, it’s also important that you stay out of your way to sell, so you should meet a buyer close to home so you don’t have to drive much.
I always meet buyers at Wendy’s, literally two minutes from my apartment, and it’s not just because I want to go out of my way, but also because I don’t want to waste my time dealing with flaky buyers. There are many situations where you plan to meet, but the buyer will never show. That’s why I always wait at home until the buyer tells me he’s at the meeting point and waiting. It only takes me two minutes to get there.
Of course, there are some situations where you might want to go out of your way to make a sale, especially if you’re having a hard time selling something you really want to get rid of, but most of the time it’s wise. to make the buyer come to you.
Show Your Contact Information in the Picture
A good way to avoid spam is to just put your contact information in the picture. In other words, don’t put your contact information on the list, instead write it down on a piece of paper and attach it to the picture you took from your iPhone.
This isn’t entirely foolproof, but it prevents many spammers from contacting you, and most buyers know that the phone number in the picture is where they should be contacting you.
Know You Have Been Scammed
Craigslist is known for its scams and the truth is we have to deal with it every time we list something. However, you can usually tell right away that someone is trying to scam you.
First, if the email or text message is poorly written, it’s most likely a scammer. Also, if they call the iPhone you’re selling “it” or “product”, that’s another sign that it’s a scammer.
Another sign is, “Is this still available?” You get a text message with your entire list title along with something like Most (if not all) honest buyers do not, so this is another clear sign that you are dealing with a scammer.
In general, when a buyer contacts you, listen to your inner voice and you will be fine!