How to Save Battery on Samsung Galaxy Active 2 1

How to Save Battery on Samsung Galaxy Active 2

When I got my hands on the new Samsung Galaxy Active 2, I was very excited. I was planning to lose some weight and this fitness focused smartwatch pushed me towards my goals. But the happiness was short lived. One fine evening, I saw a low battery warning and after a few hours my watch was out of battery – just 1.5 days after a full charge. And that made me wonder how to save battery on Samsung Galaxy Active 2.

Although I was a little disappointed, I did not give up easily. I’ve dived deep into the settings and made a few tweaks and my Galaxy Active 2 now gives me about 2.5 days of battery life on a single charge.

If you are in a similar situation, here are some ways to save battery life on the Samsung Galaxy Active 2.

1. Close Unused Connections

One of the first things I did was turn off the Wi-Fi connection. I don’t use it often and it was draining battery life like there was no tomorrow. I am not kidding.

All I did was open the Quick Settings menu and disable Wi-Fi. For the inexperienced, the option is on the second page.

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How to Save Battery on Samsung Galaxy Active 2

And thankfully, my smartwatch’s battery life has improved significantly after this procedure. I have an additional half day of battery life. So yes, I was taking about 2 days. But wait, I’m not done yet.

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How to Save Battery on Samsung Galaxy Active 2 3

There are a few more, like NFC mode and Location settings that you can disable if you don’t use them regularly. I have kept the Bluetooth on for now.

2. Set HR Frequency

If you haven’t changed the default settings for heart rate monitoring, it’s probably still in its default state. This means that it will continuously measure your heart rate. And well, you know the result. Yes, poor battery performance.

In my case I had to turn my heart rate on and off at times as it tends to get very high. So I switched from continuous mode to 10-minute interval mode.

To do this, go to the HR monitor widget, scroll down and hit the Settings icon.

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How to Save Battery on Samsung Galaxy Active 2 5
How to Save Battery on Samsung Galaxy Active 2 6

Once inside, tap on the second option and that’s it.

If HR monitoring isn’t a priority for you, you can set it up manually. After all, all it takes to get to the widget is a few swipes within the spinning frame.

3. Uninstall Unused Apps

Do you have a lot of unused apps on your Galaxy Active 2? Maybe you installed a few and forgot them all?

If your answer is yes, it’s time to remove them from your smartwatch. To do this, open the Wearable app and tap on Apps > Manage Apps and hit the little Minus icon next to apps.

How to Save Battery on Samsung Galaxy Active 2 1
How to Save Battery on Samsung Galaxy Active 2 2

Do you know

4. Fancy Watch Face

Have a fancy watch face with lots of vibrantly colored icons? As great as this looks on the AMOLED display, the sad news is that bright and colorful watch faces may finally have more battery life.

Water Samsung Galaxy Active 2

Solution? Get an AMOLED watch face.

Unlike other watch faces, AMOLED watch faces have more black area, which helps to save battery as most of the pixels on the screen are turned off. The good news is that there are lots of watch faces in the Samsung Galaxy Store. From minimalist faces to small heavy faces, it has it all. All you have to do is choose one and install it.

Just search for AMOLED watch faces or Dark Watch faces on Galaxy Store.

How to Save Battery on Samsung Galaxy Active 2 3
How to Save Battery on Samsung Galaxy Active 2 4

In my case, I switched from my wallpaper heavy watch face to this awesome red and black watch face. I’d say it doesn’t look bad.

5. Shutdown AOD and Low Brightness

The Always-On Display is the highlight of most Samsung flagships, including the Galaxy Active 2, Galaxy S Series, and Galaxy Note series. These screens contain a stripped down version of your current watch face when inactive.

As you know, you can check important statistics such as time, battery, number of steps taken without even waking the screen. However, keeping the screen lit all the time means it has a significant impact on battery life.

To turn it off, go to Settings and scroll down until you see the Battery option.

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Next, select Watch always on and disable the option.

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While you’re at it, check the Screen timeout. I had selected 1 minute before, now I am back to 15 seconds.

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Second, pull down the Quick Settings menu and lower the Brightness level (second icon in the top row).

Pro Tip

6. Optimize Battery

Your Samsung Galaxy Active 2 comes with a great feature called Optimize Battery. As the name suggests, this feature helps you optimize battery life and keep it going longer. For example, if you have Wi-Fi enabled or the screen brightness is too high, this feature notifies you so you can take corrective steps.

To access Battery Optimization, go to Settings > battery and scroll down until you see Optimize battery.

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Tap on it and select Optimize. This much.

Optimize Smartly

Keep the Active 2 smartwatch always up to date. It’s a good practice to keep the Automatic download option enabled in Settings (Wearable app > Watch software update).

We know it is impractical to follow all the steps mentioned above as they will basically steal the essential features of your smartwatch. The key here is to see which of the above suggestions works best for you and to preserve those changes over the long term.

In my case, disabling the Always On Display feature works for me as the OnePlus 7’s Ambient Mode gives me the necessary details. Next, I rarely use Wi-Fi so I can keep it off. The only issue I have is adjusting to a toned watch face.

On a serious note, my watch’s battery life has gone from 1.5 days to 3.5 days, which is when I use the workout modes every day (5 days a week).

Next: Speaking of workouts, did you know that there are special Fitness bands for the Galaxy Active 2? Check out the article below to find the best bands.

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