How to Remove Linked Accounts from Google Home 1

How to Remove Linked Accounts from Google Home

Recently, Google Assistant showed me a command I never asked on my phone. This scared me. A bit of research revealed that my account was linked to my brother’s Google Home device that was miles away. The account is linked while in the same place as Google Home. Little did I know that changing the Wi-Fi connection or even a state would not affect Google Home connected accounts. So I removed the Google Home device from my Google account. In this post, we will show you how to remove linked accounts from Google Home speakers like the Home Mini.

Several Google Home users are using the same boat. For example, someone linked their Google account to a friend’s Home speaker or a family member’s account to Google Home. Similarly, a former partner’s account is also linked to Google Home. The problem is that all linked accounts can see the search history for commands made on Google Home. It is important to remove such linked accounts to protect privacy.

We will tell you how to remove linked accounts as the primary owner of Google Home. Also, learn how to remove yourself from someone else’s Google Home.

How to Remove Linked Accounts from Your Google Home

Once you are the primary owner of the Google Home device, use one of the following methods to remove other linked accounts from your Google Home speaker.

Method 1: Remove Additional Linked Accounts

Stage 1: Open the Google Home app on your phone. Tap the profile picture icon in the upper right corner. If the profile picture is not set, you will see your initials. Tap the icon.

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Step 2: Tap on Assistant settings.

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Stage 3: Go to the Assistant tab. Scroll down and tap your Google Home device. In my case, it’s my little one.

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Step 4: Tap on Linked accounts. Tap the X next to the Google account you want to remove. And if you don’t see the X, tap and hold the account name. Then tap the delete icon or X depending on the option available. Confirm on the next screen.

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Pro Tip: Tap Remove Voice Match in your Google Home settings and select the contact you want to remove.

Method 2: Remove House Member

Stage 1: Open the Google Home app. Tap on the profile picture icon like we did in the method above. Go to assistant settings.

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Step 2: Go to the Home tab. Tap on House members.

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Stage 3: Tap and hold the member you want to remove. Tap the delete icon.

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You can access the above screen by tapping the Settings icon on the Google Home homepage. Then tap on Household and remove members.

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Note: When you remove a member, they are notified about it and do not have access to Google Home services.

Method 3: Delete Home Page

If, after removing members, they are still able to issue commands or control your devices for some inexplicable reason, you should wipe your home. Each home in the Google Home app consists of several members, devices, and rooms. You can add or delete members as we saw above. But if that doesn’t work, delete the house and set up your house again, adding only members who should be able to use your Google Home.

To delete a house, launch the Google Home app. Tap the Settings icon on the home screen. Tap on Delete this house.

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Alternatively, go to Assistant settings from the profile picture. Tap the Home tab > Your Home. Tap on Delete this house.

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Note: You can delete a house if you are the only member of the house. If there are other members, remove them first. Otherwise, you’re only removing yourself. Others still had access to the house.

Bonus: Access Assistant Settings from the Google App

Google continues to change the location of settings within Google Home. Previously, you could access them from the hamburger (the icon with three bars) on the left side of the app. Now, they are embedded under the profile picture icon. So, in case Google changes the setting location again, you can also open the Google Assistant settings from the Google app.

Here are the steps:

Stage 1: Launch the Google app on your phone. In the Google app, tap More.

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Step 2: Go to Settings and then Google Assistant.

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Stage 3: You will reach the same screen as we saw in the above methods.

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How to Remove Yourself from Google Home

Now, if your Google account is linked to a Google Home that you no longer use, here are two methods to unlink your Google account from speaker.

Stage 1: Open the Google Home app. Sign in with the account linked to Google Home. Tap in the upper right corner. Go to assistant settings.

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Step 2: Under the Assistant tab, scroll down and tap your Google Home speaker.

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Stage 3: In Google Home device settings, scroll down and tap on Unlink device. Confirm when prompted.

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Method 2: Remove Google Home from Your Google Account

If you don’t have access to the connected speaker in the Google Home app, you can remove its access from your Gmail account. To do this, visit and sign in with your account. You will see the Google Home speaker. Click or tap the three-dot icon and select Exit.

Pro Tip: Learn how to delete Google Assistant search history.

Things to Remember When Removing Accounts

  • If you are a member of more than one house, switch to the house from where you want to unlink an account.
  • Switch to the correct Google account that needs to be unlinked.
  • If you want to remove other household members, switch to the primary account.

Reset, Maybe

Removing linked Google accounts from Google Home can be annoying, especially if you’re not on the same Wi-Fi network. Fortunately, the above methods will help you. In case the issue persists, you should reset the Google Home device if you have access.

Next: Take your Google Home usage to a new level with tips and tricks. Check them out at the link mentioned below.

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