How to remove "insufficient storage space" message on Android 1

How to remove “insufficient storage space” message on Android

  • on the same subject : how to optimize your smartphone storage

In general, the scenario is as follows. The app you want to download shows only a few MB, you already know that your phone’s storage is not full, and you are also used to moving your apps to your SD card regularly. So why does this goddamn error message ruin your day when you can theoretically have enough space to download the apps you want?

insufficient storage space

Unfortunately, this problem occurs quite often: app cache not cleared properly. Some of the data cannot be moved to the SD card and therefore takes up a significant amount of internal memory, preventing you from downloading new apps. Here is how to fix this problem.

1. To get started, move everything you can to your SD card, using our previous tutorial as a guide. You will need to free up space to download App Cache Cleaner, a small app with only 2MB to help you fix the problem. A little advice, start with photos and videos, they take up the most space.

2. Go to Play Store by clicking the picture below. Download App Cache Cleaner.

Google Play

3. Launch the application and accept the terms of use. App Cache Cleaner then scans the cache of different apps installed on the device. Once the scan is complete, click “Clean everything”.

app cache

4. Then go back to Play Store to download the app you want to install at startup and set this tool aside for next time.

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