The Samsung Galaxy S4 Sound Shot mode allows photographers to take pictures and embed audio for up to nine seconds. We will show users how to create Samsung Galaxy S4 Voice Capture using the phone’s camera and tips to make it work better.
We will also show users how to share footage by sharing it with another Samsung Galaxy S4 owner or other devices. Samsung limits the Sound Shot file format to the Galaxy S4, but users can convert them to videos for sharing with other devices.
Why Create Samsung Galaxy S4 Sound Shot Files?
Why would anyone want to take a Sound Capture instead of just taking a photo?
Watch the camera segment of our Samsung Galaxy S4 video review below:
How to Shoot with Sound?
Open the Galaxy S4 camera. Select it using the Mode button next to the camera button.
Select the Sound Capture mode from the carousel that opens. Here is an advanced user tip. Switch from default mode loop to grid view for faster mode selection. Use the mode view toggle button in the upper right corner in portrait mode or in the lower right corner in landscape mode. This makes choosing shooting modes much faster.
Change the mode selection view from the default carousel view to a more easily sued grid view using the toggle button.
Compose the shot, tap the screen to focus and take the picture. A voice recorder opens and the remaining time is displayed.
Samsung Galaxy S4 Sound Shot recording screen
Recording stops after nine seconds or when the user taps the stop button.
Viewing and Sharing Sound Shots
To view and hear the Audio Capture, open the stock Gallery app, the only app that supports Audio Captures, and tap a Audio Capture, indicated by the musical note icon above the image.
Audio Shots in the gallery are indicated by an icon with notes on them.
If a user does not own a Galaxy S4, they must convert a Sound Capture to a video or share it as an ordinary photo without sound. Do this from the Gallery app. Tap the Sound Capture and select the Share button.
Select “As video file” or “As image file” from the menu to preserve the audio. The first one creates and is MP4 video file with audio. View the example below. Second, it only preserves embedded audio if users share to another Galaxy S4 using Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth, or the ChatOn app. Otherwise it will share as an ordinary JPG file.
DropBox is our preferred app for sharing such files. Select DropBox from the popup and it will upload the file to the service. Share it with others by sharing a link, or get it on a computer using the DropBox app or from the service’s website.