How to Post to Instagram from Your PC or Mac 1

How to Post to Instagram from Your PC or Mac

Instagram has recently started testing the possibility of allowing users to upload photos and videos from PC. The Facebook-owned company is now offering this feature to users through its official website. If you’re someone who uses their computer to access Instagram, here’s how you can easily post to Instagram from your computer without your smartphone. We have detailed the official method as well as other nifty workarounds to post photos and videos to Instagram on desktop.

Post Photos and Videos to Instagram from PC and Mac (October 2021)

Instagram has started offering desktop uploads to all users. However, it may take some time before you see the new Install button. In the meantime, if you haven’t received Instagram’s new desktop upload feature yet, you can try the other methods listed below. Having said that, let’s jump right in.

How to Post on Instagram from Desktop Website (Windows and Mac)

1. Login to Instagram’s desktop website and click the new ‘+’ button Next to the button you use to post Instagram DM online from your desktop.

2. From the ‘New Post’ creation interface that now appears, Click ‘Choose From Computer’ or drag and drop the image/video to this page.

upload picture instagram

3. You can now choose to crop your image or set your preferred size. You can choose from three aspect ratios – square (1:1), vertical (4:5) and horizontal (16:9). When you’re done fine-tuning the image dimensions, Click ‘Next’.

set image size instagram

4. If you prefer apply a filter to your image, select your desired Instagram filter from the existing collection on your PC. If you are a naive person or have already edited the image using any of the best Instagram photo editor apps, you can safely ignore this step and click ‘Next’.

apply instagram filter if needed

5. In the last step, you can tag other Instagram users, write a caption, add a location if you wish. Finally, Click ‘Share’ to send the picture.

share on instagram from desktop

And that’s it! You have successfully posted an image or video on Instagram from your computer.

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Post to Instagram from Mobile Website on Desktop PC

If you don’t see the new ‘+’ button on Instagram’s website, follow these steps to upload images from your computer to Instagram. Here we will use Instagram’s mobile website to post pictures and videos.

1. Open Instagram in Chrome or your preferred web browser and click on the vertical ellipsis menu. Up next, go to: More tools -> Developer tools.

chrome developer tools

2nd. Click on the ‘Change device toolbar’ icon or use the keyboard shortcut ‘Ctrl+Shift+M’ to select a user agent and access the mobile version of Instagram.

toggle device toolbar

3. Select one of the listed mobile devices from the device toolbar drop-down menu. I’ll be using the Pixel 2 XL for this demonstration. You can choose other devices like iPhone X if that’s what you prefer.

select user agent chrome

4. Shortly after you receive the device, you will see the mobile version of Instagram installed in your desktop browser. If you can’t see it right away, refresh the page once. You can now choose to close the side panel, but I don’t do this to keep the website layout. Now that Instagram’s mobile site is open on your computer, click the ‘+’ icon in the bottom navigation bar To upload an image or video

instagram mobile upload new post

5. Crop the image if necessary and click ‘Next’ in the upper right corner to move to the next page.

crop image and next

6. Write the title here, add a location, tag people, and Click ‘Share’ in the top right corner To post the image from your Windows PC via the mobile version of Instagram.

share picture instagram

Post From Mobile Website To Instagram In Safari On Mac

If you’re using the Safari browser on a Mac, the steps to access Instagram’s mobile website are slightly different. You can follow the steps below to access the mobile version of Instagram and follow from the fourth step in the previous section to upload the image.

1. Open the Instagram website in Safari and navigate to: Safari -> Preferences from the menu bar in the upper left corner.

post to instagram from mac 1

2. From the Preferences page, switch to the Advanced section and ‘Show Develop menu in menu bar’ checkbox.

post to instagram from mac 2

3. After that, click Develop on the menu bar and Select ‘User Agent -> iPhone’. You will now see the mobile version of Instagram open in Safari, allowing you to upload images and videos from your Mac.

post to instagram from mac 3

4. Check step four in above section to post media from mobile website to Instagram.

post to instagram from mac - pc 4

Use Third Party Apps to Post to Instagram from PC

If you are looking for a third-party app to upload media from PC to Instagram, you can check out apps like below. Desktop program (Windows, Mac) and channel (Match). I’ll be using Deskgram here, and if you’re using any other app, feel free to share it with others in the comments below!

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1. Download Deskgram from above link and Sign in to your Instagram account using your credentials.

note: Always remember to enable 2FA on your Instagram account to protect against malicious actors.

login desktop program

2. After logging in you will see the option to upload photos, videos, image carousels, stories and even Reels. Click ‘Upload Photo’ to select the image.

upload story video or reel instagram

3. Drag and drop your image or click to select the image you want to upload to Instagram using Deskgram app.

file uploader

4. Crop the picture as you want and Click on the ‘Next’ arrow to access the post creation interface.

crop image

5. Write the subtitle and tag the location and Click the ‘Share’ icon To upload the picture to Instagram. While I can use other apps to upload photos and videos to Instagram from PC, I found Deskgram efficient. It’s also available for free on Windows and Mac.

deskgram image upload interface

Post to Instagram from Windows PC and Mac with Ease!

So you can share posts on Instagram from your computer. While Instagram has officially taken its sweet time to add a desktop upload feature, we’re glad the social media giant (not just a photo-sharing app) is finally allowing users to upload photos and videos via its website. For more such Instagram tips, check out our articles on the best Instagram features and the best Instagram tips and tricks.

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