How to Play Minecraft from a Flash Drive? 1

How to Play Minecraft from a Flash Drive?

What if you could enjoy one of the world’s most popular video games whenever you want? Everyone who sees themselves in the game has heard or tried Mojang’s game. Minecraft. There are many different ways to enjoy the survival horror/sandbox game. Each version of the game requires you to download and install something on your computer, but what if you want to go and play on someone else’s computer? Minecraft from a flash drive? You can do this.

play Minecraft It allows you to bypass some of the obstacles you would otherwise encounter from a flash drive. Since Mojang recently eliminated the need to download Java separately to your computer, you can run the game from a flash drive without having to install anything on someone else’s computer. Playing the game this way also eliminates the need to manually copy files every time you switch to a new PC. Your worlds are saved on the drive.

Here’s how to play Minecraft from a flash drive.

How to Play Minecraft from a Flash Drive: Before You Begin

Before you begin this setup process, you will need a few things.

First, you need to buy the right copy. Minecraft. You’ll learn a little more about where to buy the right version and how much it costs. What you should be concerned with now is the driver where you will install the game.

sandisk wireless flash drive

This drive doesn’t have to be new or empty, but it should have plenty of free space on it. We recommend a 16GB flash drive using USB 3.0 technology. A drive that meets these requirements should have enough room for your entire world save and enough speed to not affect the game’s performance.

How to Play Minecraft from a Flash Drive: Preparing Your Flash Drive

Getting the Right Files

before playing Minecraft from a flash drive, you will actually need a copy of the game. Any version will not work. Mojang and its partners make many different versions of the game, but only one will work from a flash drive; You need the Java-based version available at

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This version of the game runs on recent versions of Windows and costs $26.95. although similar Minecraft Windows 10 Edition, not the same thing. The Windows 10 version of the game is only available in the Windows Store and cannot be played from a flash drive. Also, it cannot be played offline. However, purchasing the edition from unlocks the Windows 10 edition. Do not confuse this version with Pocket Edition or console versions. Minecraft anyone.

To get this version, you will need to create a Mojang Account complete with username and password, so be prepared for that. You can also expect that you will need to verify the email address you provided when creating this account.

Making the Right Folders

You want to start this process by creating a folder on your flash drive. Minecraft Folders. This will make it easy to keep Minecraft essential files separate from files you keep on your flash drive for other things.

Connect your flash drive to your PC.

Now create a folder named on this flash drive. This is the space that will hold all your belongings. Minecraft Folders.

play minecraft-1 from flash drive

How to Play Minecraft from a Flash Drive: Installing the Game to Your Flash Drive

Next, you need to download the latest copy. Minecraft from Mojang. To get it, go to: If you are not yet logged in, you will be prompted to log in. Make sure you keep the file you find, the MinecraftInstaller.msi file, on your desktop so it’s easy to find.


After you finish downloading, double click MinecraftInstaller.MSI and install it. Let the game load completely.

Now go to C:/Program Files (x86)/Minecraft. Depending on which version of Windows you have installed, you’ll find it cooler in My Computer or This PC.

Copy it to the Minecraft Portable folder you created on your flash drive.

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Now you will need to create something called a BAT file with the Notepad applet. Every new version of Windows includes Notepad. Just search for it in the list of installed applications on your computer.

and the following code from this browser window. Then right click and NotePad.

@Echo off

cd /d %~dp0

set app data=%~dp0


Click on the menu. Then select it in the Type box. This box is just below the filename. and inside the Portable Minecraft folder you created on your drive.

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Now the file you just created. The game launcher should open. You will need to log in with the Mojang Account credentials you created earlier. The launcher may also need to download some new files.


Click and you should find yourself in it Minecraft now. Run Minecraft.bat every time you connect your flash drive and want to play Minecraft. Your single-player game saves and sandboxes should be saved to your flash drive so you don’t have to worry about losing any progress no matter what computer you use. Everything is standalone so you don’t need to install Java or anything else to continue.

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You can make sure Minecraft escapes your flash drive by going to the Edit Profile area in the game. You will find this area on the screen that opens right after you click on the Minecraft.bat file. There you should find files that point to your flash drive, not the computer’s internal drive, often called C:.


Have fun playing Minecraft from a flash drive.

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