How to optimize your smartphone battery life 1

How to optimize your smartphone battery life

In this guide, if the movements presented become reflexes, you will find that it is quite simple to conserve your battery so that it lasts longer throughout the day. Of course, this will require some sacrifices on your part, but they will pay off in the end.

First of all, keep in mind that this guide is intended for as many people as possible, the tips mentioned won’t go into too much technical detail and won’t require installing custom ROMs or swapping ROMs. nuclei. Android is a vast and fascinating universe, so it’s important to start with the basics. To discover how to optimize your smartphone batteryfollow these steps.

Improve the performance of your smartphone battery


samsung-galaxy-s5-screen test

The advent of smartphones with AMOLED, Quad-HD and even 4K displays is dealing a huge blow to our batteries, which were put to the test in particular. Also, the first tip can lighten the weight of your high-gloss tiles: start by disabling the auto-brightness setting.

Then continue with a dressing that showcases dark colors. White colors require the most brightness and are always requires more energy to power the plate You know that in the color spectrum, white is the combination of everything that exists.

Thus, using dark colors and activating dark themes and other night modes will help preserve battery autonomy.

Google Play
Google Play

Obviously, avoid animated wallpapers that use both CPU (processor) and GPU (graphics processor). In the worst case, you can invert the colors. It will not be aesthetic, but it can always be used if necessary.

Also consider reducing the backlight time of your screen. Logically, the less it is left on during periods of inactivity, the less the battery is consumed.

screen saver

screen saver 2

Likewise, don’t hesitate to download an app that lets you display your notifications on the lock screen, it will save you having to rewrite your code and access the desktop all the time. A shortcut that will benefit your battery’s endurance.

Google Play


It’s a logical step. This is true if a widget in itself consumes very little energy, if it is a clock or a notebook. On the other hand, in terms of weather services, Twitter apps, Facebook or any other streaming, the rankings of energy-intensive apps are there to prove it.

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amber air presentation

These tools are known as “energy intensive” because they are regularly synchronized. This sync requires internet access and the main problem is due to untimely connections/disconnections. I knowconsumes more when connecting a smartphonethe exact moment the network search begins.

However, instead of removing these apps from your desktop, go to settings > Accounts & sync and turn off auto-sync. This way, your widgets will not update themselves. In other words, the best way to protect your battery is to update yourself.


VPN 2b

The network is still one of the most energy-intensive elements. One of the most convincing tests is the fact that consumption is repeatedly compared in airplane mode and then in normal mode. When a smartphone is at 3% battery in airplane mode, it takes about a week to receive a notification low battery unlike normal mode which will be reported almost instantly.

Also, you may find yourself in situations where you don’t really need a connection. Disable your GPS location, for example, remember to only use Wi-Fi connections when disabling GPS and 3G. No need to combine Wi-Fi consumption and mobile network at the same time. Similarly, disable Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS and even NFC connections if you don’t need them.


smartphone batteries 2011

This is the crux of the matter. The use of its battery is very important, even inseparable, from all the points we have seen. If you are replacing your battery, always start by using an official brand model that matches the model originally used on your smartphone. It’s also important to have a visit next to the best practices for taking care of your battery.



The arrival of Android Marshmallow heralds a new era in battery optimization, because with the Doze function, Google’s operating system will provide exclusive monitoring of the irresistibly flowing mAh even when you are not yet using your terminal.

Doze mode, which is enabled by default on Android smartphones and tablets, will automatically activate if your device is inactive for a certain period of time. In other words, while you fall asleep without plugging your smartphone in, it will also go into a resting phase. only loses 3 to 5% of battery.


If you don’t care about this blind notification feature, turn it off. Prefer normal ringtone only, remove vibration from ringtone to increase battery life. Also, do not forget to turn off the vibrator, which is activated when, for example, you touch the screen while entering text.

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This is also a very important point. If we recommend disabling the automatic update of your apps, it is still important to install them manually. These upgrades may include new fixes and improvements that could lead to better battery management, not to mention other solutions to issues like security.

feel free uninstall apps you no longer usedon’t let them get molded in a corner of your screen, they can also keep running in the background, secretly draining your battery and also your RAM.

New economic modes

battery saver

The latest smartphones now have functions aimed at conserving your energy, whether at home. manufacturer overlays or custom ROMs. Sony has recently relaunched Endurance Mode for the latest Xperia Z5, which when activated can help the mobile last more than two days.

Samsung has Ultra Power Save Mode and HTC has Extreme Power Save Mode. Feel free to test these new systems and take advantage of them. Of course, data saving functionality is also natively included in Android and should not be overlooked.


If you want to use dark colors, prefer manual updates, disable or even uninstall apps you don’t use and services you don’t need, these are the steps you need to follow. optimize your battery performance.

However, the use of our batteries may differ between brands and models, so the final step will be to determine which solution works best for your Android device. Do you have any other comments or tips for improving batteries?

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