How to Open Spotify Links on Apple Music and Vice-Versa 1

How to Open Spotify Links on Apple Music and Vice-Versa

Sharing music with friends who use a different music streaming service is always a hassle. Not anymore. There is a new app called MusicMatch to seamlessly open Spotify links from other music streaming services like Apple Music. In this article, we will cover how you can use the app to open Spotify links on Apple Music and vice versa.

While MusicMatch supports Apple Music and Spotify, there is a paid app called Convusic that supports more services like TIDAL and YouTube Music. If your preferred streaming service is TIDAL or YouTube Music, you can try Convusic from the App Store ($0.99) Instead of. Regardless of the app you choose, it’s worth mentioning. You will need iOS 15 to use the app.

1. Install MusicMatch from App Store (free) using the link here. Then come on first install the app before you can open links in the two streaming music apps

2. Open the app and follow the on-screen instructions. Tap “Get Started” first and then choose your preferred streaming music service on the next page. If you are using Apple Music on your iPhone and want to convert Spotify links to Apple Music links, click “apple music” on the second screen.

select preferred music service

3. Now find a Spotify track link that someone sent you. Now, long press the link and hit “Copy” To copy the link to your iPhone’s clipboard

copy spotify link

4. Open the MusicMatch app, paste the Spotify link you just copied and tap on “Open in Apple Music” button. The app will now automatically redirect the link from Spotify to Apple Music. Also, as you can notice in the screenshot, Spotify link is automatically pasted into the app.

open spotify link in apple music

And that’s it. Now you’ve learned how to open Spotify links for songs your friends sent you on your favorite messaging app on Apple Music. If Spotify is your default music streaming app, choose the same during installation; You can paste an AM link through this app and open them in Spotify.

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5. If you are not interested in manually pasting the link every time, you can use the included Safari extension. Visit Settings -> Safari -> Extensions -> MusicMatch To enable the extension.

enable musicmatch safari extension

As Spotify continues to dominate the music streaming space, many users have switched to other viable Spotify alternatives such as Apple Music and Amazon Music. If you’re having trouble opening links your friends sent from other streaming music services, give MusicMatch a shot to make the process effortless. With the Safari extension, the process is also seamless. If you’re looking for more stylish extensions like this, be sure to check out our list of the best Safari extensions for iPhone.

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