How to Mirror Front Camera Selfies on iPhone 1

How to Mirror Front Camera Selfies on iPhone

When you take selfies with the iPhone’s front camera, the viewfinder shows you a different image than the one you took. Because people are used to seeing themselves in the mirror, the viewfinder shows you the mirror image. However, when the iPhone takes the photo, it captures the image without any mirroring effects. Technically, while the photos captured by the iPhone are lifelike, the projected image is false. However, some users do not like this behavior as they are used to mirrored images. In this article, we show you how you can mirror front camera selfies on iPhone.

Mirror Front Camera Selfies on iPhone

There are two ways to mirror front camera selfies on iPhone. With the new iOS 14 release, Apple has added a new feature that lets you automatically take mirrored selfies. This means that your phone is capturing the image you see in the viewfinder. In older iOS versions, we will use the photo editing features of the Apple Photos app to achieve our goal. Click on the links below to go to the section you want.

Mirror Front Camera Selfies on iPhone Running iOS 14

1. Open Settings and scroll down to find the Camera menu. Tap on it.

2. Here, turn on the toggle for Mirrored Selfies. It’s that easy.

enable front camera mirror selfie

Note: This feature may also depend on your iPhone model. I couldn’t find this setting on my personal iPhone X, but it was available on the iPhone 11.

Mirror Front Camera Selfies on iPhone Running iOS 13

1. Launch the Photos app and open the photo you want to mirror.

2. Tap the Edit button.

1. Mirror Front Camera Selfies on Phone Running iOS 13

3. Here, tap the crop button.

2. Mirror Front Camera Selfies on Phone Running iOS 13

4. Now press the “Flip” button to flip the image. Tap on “Done” to save the picture.

3. Mirror Front Camera Selfies on Phone Running iOS 13

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5. Here is how the selfie looks after mirroring.

4. Mirror Front Camera Selfies on Phone Running iOS 13

Take a Selfie on iPhone as You See it in the Viewfinder

As you can see, iOS 14 made it easy to take mirrored selfies on iPhone. If you don’t like lifelike selfies and prefer the mirror effect, you can follow the steps to change the setting. In iOS 13, you can use the editing features to achieve the same. So, do you like mirrored or mirrorless selfies? Let us know in the comment section below.