How to Manage Per-App Privacy on iPhone 1

How to Manage Per-App Privacy on iPhone

For the past few years, “Privacy” has probably gotten more attention on iOS than anything else. While features like disabling app tracking, getting detailed App Privacy Report, option to manage local network, and even preventing apps from accessing precise location turned into a nightmare for the ad industry, it has won a lot of privacy-conscious people. If you’re someone who places a high priority on the privacy of your personal information, you’ll want to manage privacy on an app-by-app basis on your iPhone and iPad. If my guess is right, let me help you customize the privacy settings to your liking.

Manage Per-App Privacy Settings on Your iPhone and iPad

Both iOS and iPadOS offer a fairly simple way to change each privacy setting. So it doesn’t matter to allow/not allow certain apps to access your personal information like your location, contacts, photos, camera, microphone and more.

With the newly introduced App Privacy Report, you can even find out how often an app accesses your personal information. In summary, knocking out creepy apps that say one thing on the face and do the opposite on the back has become a painless exercise. That said, it’s time to start with quick steps.

1. Start Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.

2. Now select Privacy.

How to Manage Per-App Privacy on iPhone

3. Next, you should see a long list of privacy settings for:

  • Location Services: Manage apps’ access to your location data.
  • tracing: Allow/don’t allow apps to track you on other companies’ apps and websites.
  • Persons: Manage apps’ access to your contacts.
  • Reminders: Manage apps’ access to your reminders.
  • Photos: Manage apps’ access to your photos.
  • Local network: It allows you to manage applications that ask for permission to find and communicate with devices on your local network.
  • Bluetooth: Allows you to manage apps that request to use Bluetooth on your iPhone or iPad.
  • Microphone: This setting allows you to manage applications’ access to the microphone.
  • Speech recognition: Applications that have permission to access speech recognition will appear in this section.
  • Camera: Applications that have access to your device’s camera will appear in this section.
  • Health: The apps you allow to update your health data will appear in this section.
  • HomeKit: This section allows you to manage applications that request access to your home data.
  • Media and Apple Music: The apps you allow to access Apple Music, your media library, and music/video activity will appear here.
  • Files and Folders: Allows you to manage applications that request access to files and folders on your iOS/iPadOS device.
  • Movement and Fitness: Apps that request access to movement and fitness activity on your iOS device will appear here.
  • Focus: Here you will find apps that want to see and share your Focus status.
Privacy settings on iOS and iPadOS

Now, to manage the per-app privacy setting, all you have to do is dive into a specific category and then turn off/on the toggle next to a particular app depending on your needs. Yes, it’s that simple.

How to Manage Per-App Privacy on iPhone

Easily Manage Per-App Privacy Settings on iOS and iPadOS

That is all! In an era where hacking has become a daily routine that stunned the iPhone 13 Pro with iOS 15, as well as stunned, enhanced security and privacy are the needs of the day. So it’s good to see Apple pushing the boundaries and forcing other tech giants to follow suit. However, do you have any questions or feedback? If your answer is yes, we will be happy to hear from you.

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