How to Manage App Permissions on Android 1

How to Manage App Permissions on Android

Our mobile devices have become the center of our lives and can now be used to manage our bank accounts and pay directly in stores. They also contain much of our private information as well as those around us.

This is why security is so important in our smartphones and minimizing the ecosystem of these products is not in itself a bad idea. But given their popularity, app stores like the Google Play Store can’t filter everything.

Thus, users have a way to protect themselves even more: fully manage app permissions. Before Android 6.0 Marshmallow you didn’t have much control. Now everything has changed.

  • For added security, enable two-step verification on your Google account

App permissions on Android

On Google’s mobile system, apps can use certain phone features, but this requires your consent. Here is their list:

  • Diary
  • Camera
  • body sensors
  • persons
  • Microphone
  • Location (GPS)
  • SMS
  • to store
  • Phone

But these are general categories and orders more precise Features such as “sending” or reading SMS, or even accessing “photos stored on the device” rather than the device itself, can be implemented.

If you still have Android 5.0 Lollipop or older, remember: every time you install an app, the system will ask you to accept permissions before installing it. Check the list carefully and question everything you read. After all, a Flashlight app doesn’t need to access your contacts.

  • See also: How to block a number or contact on Android

Manage app permissions on Android 6.0 Marshmallow and higher

Since Android 6.0 Marshmallow, apps will ask for your permission to use any feature on your phone, as in the example above. So you can control What exactly the app can access and deny certain requests if you are not inclined to provide such information about yourself.

However, some apps will block the use of a feature without specific authorization or you may regret it later. block a feature previously accepted… To do this, simply follow these steps.

  • Also read: Remove default apps from Android
  • open app Settings (Settings on Sony phones)
  • In the device category, select . applications
  • Tap an icon. cog (see above)
  • choose Authorization of applications

Here you are in the list of features of your phone where you can manage each of them with apps. Simply:

  • choose one category (for example, Location)
  • Enable or disable an app in the list
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So, if you don’t want Facebook to access your location, simply uncheck it from this list. Unless the app is activated, won’t be able to reach It connects to your phone’s GPS chip and therefore cannot track you.

So be sure to browse and check this category regularly, especially after installing it. new apps : You may be surprised at what these can access on your phone.

  • See also: How to protect yourself if someone steals your WiFi

And in general, always keep in mind to look for the logic behind permissions. There’s no point in being paranoid as most apps are verified before they’re released on the Play Store. proactive attitude is strongly recommended.