How to Make Your Own iPhone Wireless Charger 1

How to Make Your Own iPhone Wireless Charger

While the iPhone doesn’t have wireless charging built into it, you can add it to yourself quickly and easily for really cheap. Here’s how to make your own iPhone wireless charger.

As you know, many new Android devices have wireless charging capability; this means you can easily put the phone on a special charging pad and the device will start charging without having to plug in any cables.

This is a useful feature that iPhone users have been asking for for years, but Apple has yet to introduce it to the iPhone.

However, since there are consumer options available, you don’t actually have to wait for Apple to give your iPhone wireless charging capabilities. We’ve covered some of the options you can use with the iPhone 6s, such as Air Charge, and also Thin Armor Volt by Spigen Although it is Spigen, you can use it with any Qi wireless charger. making its own wireless charger additionally.

However, both of these products cost $60, which is a bit pricey considering you can go for cheaper.

Here’s how to make your own iPhone wireless charger and only spend about $20.

How to Make Your Own iPhone Wireless Charger

While building your own iPhone wireless charging setup may seem daunting, it’s actually pretty easy and requires nothing more than a bit of assembly.

You will only need a few items to make this possible:

The buyer is only $10 and you can also get a charging pad for around that price, but you’ll probably get better quality with a more expensive charging pad, but that’s really up to you. The charging pad I bought about 12 dollars and it works fine.

All you have to do is plug the wireless charging receiver into the Lightning port on your iPhone and fold it back so that the charging coils sit on the back of your iPhone. From here, just slap your case and you’re ready to go!


From there, plug in your wireless charging pad and place your iPhone on it to start wirelessly charging your iPhone. It’s recommended that you use a 2 amp wall adapter when attaching the charging pad, as less will take forever to charge your iPhone.

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An iPad charger works great as it outputs 2.1 amps, but most smartphone chargers are only 1 amp and most USB ports on computers deliver less than one amp, so keep that in mind.

How to Make Your Own Wireless Charging Pad

If you’re feeling a little creative and want something more DIY, you can make your wireless charging pad instead of just buying one. This is great especially if you don’t really like the look of most wireless charging pads and want something unique.


What you can do is essentially buy the barebones wireless charger, which is nothing more than charging coils connected to the printed circuit board assembly.

You can buy a single coil assembly less than $10 or you can spring it for about $20 for a three-coil setup (pictured above). The difference here is that a 3-coil charger has a wider range to where you can set it to charge your phone, while a single-coil charger requires you to place your phone as close to the center as possible.

Once you have the wireless charger, you can place it on almost anything like your iPhone box or even a video game case and carve a slot for it in a wooden block. The mount also has a microUSB port for plugging in any microUSB cable.

Of course, the biggest downside to adding wireless charging to your iPhone is that you’ll need a case on your iPhone for it to work; this means that some users who don’t have cases on their iPhones will have to skip it. or just don’t.

However, if all I have to do is put a case on my iPhone, I think it’s worth it to have wireless charging.