How to Jailbreak iPhone 4S on iOS 5.1.1? 1

How to Jailbreak iPhone 4S on iOS 5.1.1?

iPhone 4S jailbreak is finally available for iPhone 4S on iOS 5.1.1.

iPhone 4S iOS 5.1.1 Untethered Jailbreak is a simple process thanks to the easy-to-follow Absinthe 2.0 tool, but it’s worth following this guide to make sure you don’t miss any steps.

Download the Absinthe 2.0 tool for your computer to get started. Absinthe 2.0 is available for Mac, Windows and Linux.

How to Jailbreak iPhone 4S on iOS 5.1.1?

1. Back up your iPhone 4S in iTunes – To do this, connect to iTunes, right click the device name and click backup.

How to jailbreak iPhone 4S iOS 5.1.1?

2. Wipe and Reset iPhone – Many users cannot jailbreak the phone while performing this step. We recommend plugging iPhone into iTunes and restoring it to factory settings.

3. Do the initial setup to Activate your iPhone. You cannot jailbreak until the phone is activated.

4. Keep your iPhone 4S connected to the computer.

how to jailbreak iphone 4s absinthe 2.0

5. Open Absinthe 2.0 when the reset is complete.

iphone 4 jailbreak guide absinthe

6. Click on Jailbreak.

7. Wait for the jailbreak to finish, this may take some time, but leave the iPhone connected.

How to Jailbreak iPhone 4S on iOS 5.1.1? 4

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8. When the iPhone 4S jailbreak is complete, open iTunes and right-click on the Device name and choose Restore from Backup.

9. Start installing jailbreak apps.

What You Need to Know About iPhone 4S Jailbreak

Note that the iPhone 4S warranty is void when the iPhone is jailbroken. It’s relatively easy to unjailbreak the iPhone 4S, which you need to do before taking the iPhone 4S in for service.

Installing too many jailbreak apps can lead to device crashes and instability, so slow down and install a few apps to get started.

If you’re using your iPhone for work and can’t fix any stability issues or don’t have time to read help guides on forums, you may not want to jailbreak your iPhone 4S.

For users who are ready to jailbreak their iPhone 4S, we recommend starting with a small number of iPhone 4S jailbreak apps and gradually adding them.

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I plan to start with my 5 favorite jailbreak apps and tweaks.

Once you are sure that your jailbroken iPhone 4S is stable, see and for many more jailbreak apps.

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