How to Install Third-Party Apps as System Apps on Android 1

How to Install Third-Party Apps as System Apps on Android

Every Android device comes with specific apps that are responsible for its core functions. These, called system apps, attach to the operating system and cannot be uninstalled unless you have a rooted device. On the other hand, apps you download from Play Store can be easily uninstalled and cannot enjoy system privileges like system apps. However, there are some apps like file manager or camera app that you don’t want removed or deleted even when you format your Android device. Well, if your device is rooted, you are in luck as you can easily convert these third-party apps to system apps. Alright, Here are the steps with convert a user app to a system app:


  • A rooted Android device
  • File Manager app that gives you access to root files

Convert user app to a system app

1. There are several good file managers in the Play Store that provide easy access to root files. However, we use ES File Explorer (Free).

2. First, open ES File Explorer and swipe from left. navigation drawer and “Root Explorer” choice. You may receive a prompt from the SuperUser app to grant root access to the app.

3. Now go back to the main page of the application. Here, “Internal storage” Tap the folder and/Press the ” button at the top to access the system files.


4. In “/ ie device folderdata” and then “applicationTo access all apps installed in the ” folder. Here you will find the data folders of all the third-party apps listed together. Now, long press in the folder of the application you want to convert as a system cut” choice.

For example, we chose the Facebook Lite app to be converted into a system app. In this case, the folder we will copy is com.facebook.lite-1.


5. Now, previous “/Open the ” folder and click “system” file. Here, “application” file. You will see the names of all system application folders listed here. Now all you have to do is paste the copied app folder here.

paste the application folder

6. After the application you selected has been copied to the system application folder, you will need to grant certain access permissions to the folder. For this you need to do long press the application folder and “Properties“. Next, tap on “.Changenext to the ” button.permissions” option. Here you have to allow Read, Write and Execute permissions.

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folder permissions

7. There is also an APK file of the app you selected inside the folder you just copied. Like the folder, you need to grant certain permissions to the APK file. For this you need to open application folder and “PropertiesAPK file long press on it. Then enable all the checkboxes for Read, Write and Execute permissions as shown in the second screenshot below.


After completing the above-mentioned steps, simply restart device and the app you selected will be installed as a system app. You can check by going to Settings->Applications and select the application. Here, you can’t find the uninstall optionapproves the app as a system app.

final features

SEE ALSO: How to Uninstall Multiple Apps on Android on Rooted and Non-Rooted Devices

Convert a user app to system app with these steps

You can convert your favorite app or game in Play Store to a system app by following these steps. You can also do this for apps downloaded from third-party sources. However, we strongly urge you to avoid them as they may be malicious and may damage your device.

Well, it’s all by us. If you run into any issues while performing this action, or if you have an easier action to suggest to us, mention it in the comments section below.

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