How to Install iOS 8.1.3 Update 1

How to Install iOS 8.1.3 Update

Learn how to install iOS 8.1.3 update to iPhone, iPad and iPod touch without using iTunes or a Computer.

The iOS 8.1.3 update is a free software upgrade for devices running iOS 8 that reduces the amount of storage required, makes it easier for users to upgrade from iOS 7 to iOS 8, fixes iMessage and FaceTime sign-in issues and other issues.

iOS 8.1.3 was released on January 27, 2015 for iPhone 4s and later, iPad 2 and later, and iPod touch 5th generation. The update appears as a small notification on the Settings icon that displays a “1” inside a red bubble. This iOS 8.1.3 update guide will bring fixes for common iOS 8.1.2 issues as well as show you how to install the update that will remove this bubble.

You must have at least 50% battery life or be plugged in to install the iOS 8.1.3 update. You can start the update even if you are not at 50% battery power, but on some devices you need a WiFi connection to download the huge update iOS 8.1.3.

Here are tips on how to update to iOS 8.1.3 and make sure you do it correctly.

iOS 8.1.3 Update Guide

Before you start installing the iOS 8.1.3 update on iPhone or iPad, you should make sure you have an up-to-date backup. This lets you restore from an iCloud backup or iTunes if something goes wrong with the upgrade. It’s unlikely you’ll run into issues, but they do happen, and users with backups recover faster from iOS 8.1.3 upgrade issues than those without.

You should also make sure to install the iOS 8.1. It’s a good idea to avoid this type of update while traveling. If you have an iPhone from work, you should ask IT before installing an iOS 8.1.3 update.

iOS 8.1.3 Reviews

Before you begin the iOS 8.1.3 installation, you should make sure to read the reviews for this update for your particular device. Before you get started, read our early iOS 8.1.3 reviews below.

More reviews are coming as we test and use the iOS 8.1.

How to Install iOS 8.1.3

After making sure you have a current backup, have at least 50% battery life, and can go without iPhone or iPad for at least 15 minutes, you can follow these guidelines to get started.

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On iPhone, go to . This is usually on the main home screen.

Inside the Settings app, go to .

Check for iOS 8.1.3 update in Settings.

On this screen, the iPhone or iPad will search for an update. The process may take up to 30 seconds to find the iOS 8.1.3 update.

Once it finds the update, you can see what the update fixed or start installing iOS 8.1.3.

Tap on Download and Install to get started.

Tap on Download and Install to get started.

After tapping Download and Install if available.

and then a popup asking if you want .

Double accept the terms and conditions.

Double accept the terms and conditions.

Wait while the iOS 8.1.3 update downloads. This may take a few minutes or more than half an hour, depending on the size and speed of your Internet connection.

Once complete you should see a notification pop up saying it will install with a countdown in 10 seconds or you can see the Install Now option on the Software update page.

Once this starts the iPhone will go to a black or white screen with the Apple logo and a progress bar. It will restart after a short while and you will see an Apple logo as it reboots.

When this is done. You can now use the new iOS 8.1.3 update on your iPhone or iPad. That’s all you need to do to upgrade to iOS 8.1.3.

Installing the iOS 8.1.3 update on an iPhone 6 Plus already on iOS 8.1.2 takes about 25 minutes and upgrading an iPad Air on iOS 8.1.1 and an iPad 3 on iOS 8.1.1 takes about 35 took minutes. Upgrading from iOS 7 will take much longer.

If you’re upgrading from iOS 7, you can see what’s new in iOS 8 in the comparison below, which shows you what to watch out for.

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