How to Improve Privacy in Windows 10 Using ShutUp10 1

How to Improve Privacy in Windows 10 Using ShutUp10

Recently, Microsoft has been very aggressive about replacing the local account in Windows 10 with an online account. Actually, latest reports Suggest that the local account option is no longer available on the Windows 10 setup screen. All this indicates that Microsoft needs more user data and there is no better product than Windows 10 to monetize it. The data can help the company run custom ads that generate extra revenue, as well as gain insight into customer behavior. However, if you are a privacy conscious user, this is a serious red flag that could harm your privacy without any express consent. So, in this post, we bring you a simple guide to increase privacy in Windows 10. We also talked about a one-stop tool for seamlessly managing privacy settings in Windows 10. Having said all that, let’s review the guide.

Improve Windows 10 Privacy

You can improve your privacy natively in Windows 10, and Microsoft gives a lot of control over your user data. However, these privacy settings are populated at the bottom of various pages and very few are kept out of the reach of users. However, here we will learn how to access at least the basic privacy settings and turn them off so that there is no unfunny background work.

1. Block Diagnostic Data

Windows 10 has something called diagnostic telemetry that aims to monitor your usage, background services, unexpected crashes and common errors. It helps Microsoft patch the operating system and bring a better Windows experience to the user. Again, Microsoft also uses this data to serve you tailored ads and product recommendations.. For me this is inconvenient so I always disable such background telemetry services. You can do that too, search for “privacy” in the search bar and open the first result. Here, under the “Diagnostics and Feedback” tab, disable all toggles.

2. Disable Activity History

Activity History is another important privacy setting that you should turn off completely. It tracks your application usage, including the websites you browse the internet.. This is utter madness, isn’t it? I’m assuming this only happens if you’re using Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer. However, this privacy setting should not be turned on by default. Anyway, you can manually turn it off under the “Activity History” tab from the same Privacy page.

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Windows 10 privacy

After saying this, Redditors i discovered this Microsoft continues to monitor your usage even after completely disabling Activity History on your PC. Such behavior by Microsoft does not bode well for privacy-conscious users. If you really want to disable any kind of background telemetry you will have to change Group policy and Registry settings which are not suitable for any general user. That’s why we recommend a dedicated privacy tool to protect privacy in Windows 10 that does all the work for you smoothly and effectively.

Improve Privacy on Windows 10 with ShutUp10

ShutUp10 is a completely free anti-spying tool. one-stop privacy dashboard that can be managed by anyone. The tool was developed by the hugely popular O&O for building some of the best Windows apps.

Improve Privacy in Windows 10 3

Unlike native privacy settings in Windows 10, Shutup10 offers a simplified interface. Privacy settings are detailed and help you decide whether to allow a setting. He even It has a special column that shows its recommendations for a particular privacy setting. The more comfortable you are with sharing your data, the more you can choose to forward it to Microsoft. The best part is that everything is available in one dashboard. No more jumping from one page to another and changing Registry configurations.


Except that one, you can disable targeted advertising, user tracking, data typing, location services, data sharing between apps and more. Basically the tool puts everything under your control and you can manage it all effortlessly. If you are not familiar with understanding privacy settings, you can choose to apply O&O’s recommended settings to maximize your privacy in Windows 10. Moreover, there is an option to check for Windows 10 Updates too, which is great. . To summarize, ShutUp10 is a one-click solution for all your privacy problems in Windows 10 and you should definitely use it on your PC.

Download ShutUp10 (Free)

Smartly Control Your Privacy in Windows 10

That was our short guide on how to get back your privacy control in Windows 10. You could certainly go the native route and disable any kind of background services, but a one-stop tool like ShutUp10 is a better and hassle-free solution. Anyway, that’s it for us. If you want to learn more about Windows 10, stay tuned because we will bring more detailed tutorials and recommended apps in the coming days.

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