OS X Yosemite was released to critical acclaim earlier this month, and while many users were excited to install the new operating system and try out new features, there were quite a few Mac users who spent less than stellar time with OS X. Yosemite. If you are one of these users, here is how to improve the performance of OS X Yosemite.
While OS X Yosemite may run on older Macs as far back as 2007, that doesn’t necessarily mean it works well enough. We have heard that there are many issues affecting users who have installed OS X Yosemite on their Mac and are having a very bad time with it. Apps were slow, startup time sucked, and overall performance was lacking.
However, it doesn’t have to be that way because there are a few tweaks you can make in OS X Yosemite to make it perform better on your old Mac machine, from reducing eye candy to disabling a handful of resources. properties.
Here’s how you can improve the performance of OS X Yosemite on your Mac.
Reduce Fantasy Effects
Anything that makes OS X Yosemite look nice is probably slowing down your Mac, but you can disable most of them:
- Open.
- Click .
- put a check mark next to it.
Once there, you can put a checkmark next to folders and windows to make them easier to see.
Many users have had success by disabling the transparency feature. The overall performance is increased and the opening speed of applications and Finder windows is much faster.
Don’t Use Google Chrome
As with all OS X releases we’ve seen, Google Chrome doesn’t play very well with OS X Yosemite. It drains the battery faster and consumes resources when they are not needed.
It’s still a great web browser and all, but if you need to get any performance out of your Mac, it’s probably a better idea to opt for Safari, as it’s much faster than Chrome on OS X and doesn’t work as hard. consumes resources and battery life.
Disable Notification Widgets
The new widgets in Notification Center are great, but this is a feature you’ll probably never use. I will never use them.
To do this, follow these steps:
- Click all the way on the Notification Center icon in the upper right corner of the screen in the menu bar. This opens the Notification Center.
- Click the tab if it’s not there yet, and then click below.
- Click each of the red delete buttons next to each widget to remove it from Notification Center.
- Click at the bottom to save the changes.
This will speed up Notification Center as a whole and slightly improve overall performance on your Mac.
Set Minimize Window Effect
This feature goes back a few versions of OS X, but it’s still a good feature to replace if you need some extra performance out of your Mac.
- Open.
- Click .
- Find and change to .
This will get rid of that fancy swoosh minimizing the impact of the windows and turn it into something simpler. It certainly won’t give your Mac a huge speed boost, but it can help windows open and close much faster.
Last resort: Start Fresh
While most users are happy with the easy upgrade process that OS X has, some users prefer to start from scratch with a clean OS install when upgrading to a completely new version. A fresh clean install means that your computer’s hard drive is completely wiped and OS X Yosemite is restored to factory settings. This means that no applications are installed and no files are stored; default apps and files that only ship with OS X Yosemite.
Personally, I always do a clean install. There are just too many issues that can arise when upgrading, and I have so many files that they can get erratic and cause unnecessary slowdowns after upgrading.
Basically, when you do a simple upgrade, the new OS is installed and then the installer takes all the old files and dumps them over the newly installed OS, which can easily cause problems.
We have a guide on how to perform a clean install of OS X Yosemite and all it takes is a USB flash drive.
Be careful though: Performing a clean install of OS X requires you to make a bootable installation drive using a USB flash drive. You will move some files and deal with Terminal. If this isn’t something you enjoy doing on your own, we recommend simply upgrading or talking to a friend who can help you perform a clean install.