How to Get OS X El Capitan Wallpapers on iPhone and iPad 1

How to Get OS X El Capitan Wallpapers on iPhone and iPad

Apple officially announced OS X El Capitan yesterday, and if you want to get OS X Capitan wallpapers on your iPhone or iPad, here’s how to do it.

OS X El Capitan is a pretty minor improvement over OS X Yosemite and comes with the same general design and features, but with a few new additions that many Mac users can enjoy.

For example, the new OS comes with swipe gestures in many stock apps like Mail and Safari, where users can swipe to delete email messages and swipe to pin tabs in Safari.

There’s also a new multitasking split screen feature that lets you easily and quickly snap windows side by side and work on two things at once, similar to how Windows’ Snap feature works.

Spotlight Search also got a few new improvements, including better search results like the weather for a baseball game if you type something like “White Sox.” Plus, Spotlight Search can also now identify human-like language much better, so you can type a normal sentence or question and Spotlight Search will know what you’re talking about.

As for the OS X El Capitan wallpaper, it’s quite similar to OS X Yosemite’s wallpaper, but with some distinct differences. If you’re a fan of the new wallpaper, here’s how to get it for your iPhone or iPad.

OS X El Capitan Wallpapers for iPhone and iPad

Since Apple doesn’t make OS X El Capitan wallpapers for iOS devices, I found some instead. Below you’ll find a wallpaper for all Retina iPads, as well as a wallpaper for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

As you can see, the iPhone 6 wallpaper had to be cropped due to the aspect ratio and orientation of the screen, so there is not much of the original wallpaper, but I believe you get the main feature in the frame and it still looks great.

How To Install These Wallpapers On Your Device?

Now that you have the custom OS X El Capitan wallpapers, it’s time to put them on your iPhone or iPad, and there are several methods to choose from.

If you have iCloud Photo Library enabled, you can import the wallpaper into the Photos app; The wallpaper will automatically appear in the Photos app on your iOS device. From there, you can tap the Share button and select .

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You can also send the wallpaper to yourself from your Mac via iMessage. Then open the message on your iPhone or iPad, save the picture and then open it in the Photos app.


Finally, if you have Dropbox, you can put the wallpaper in your Dropbox folder, then access the wallpaper in the Dropbox mobile app and save the image in the Photos app.

Again, the wallpaper is quite similar to that of OS X Yosemite, and that’s because the rock formation actually featured in the OS X Yosemite wallpaper is actually the same one found in the OS X El Capitan wallpaper.

El Capitan is a rock formation in Yosemite National Park, so essentially, the next version of OS X narrows things down a bit, and Apple names the new version after the actual rock formation featured in the OS X Yosemite wallpaper.

Finally, I enjoy the OS X El Capitan wallpaper much more than the default OS X Yosemite wallpaper, and if you want to give your iPad a little OS X feel, using these custom wallpapers is a great way to do it.

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