How to Get Google Camera 7.0 (GCam) on Any Android Device [Astrophotography Mode] 1

How to Get Google Camera 7.0 (GCam) on Any Android Device [Astrophotography Mode]

Google Camera single-handedly revolutionized smartphone photography and brought powerful camera features to budget Android devices. If you don’t have a Pixel, GCam Mod is the best option to get the latest camera products from Google. So, in line with our efforts to bring GCam to non-Pixel devices, this article compiles the latest Google Camera 7.0 mods for most devices. We also talked about how to install APK and how to enable Astrophotography mod in simple steps. So, without further delay, let’s learn how to install Google Camera 7.0 on any Android device.

Get Google Camera 7.0 APK for your Android Device

Before we move on to our tutorial, we need to discuss some points that you should keep in mind before downloading the GCam 7.0 apk for your smartphone.

A Few Points to Keep in Mind

  • your Android device Must have Camera2API support to run the latest GCam 7.0. Download Camera2 API Probe to check compatibility (Free) and open it. If it shows “LIMITED”, “FULL” or “LEVEL_3” you are good to go. If it shows “OLD”, you can follow our guide and learn how to root and enable Camera2API on your smartphone.
  • As with all GCams, some features may work on one device and not on the other. So, you will have to Use XML Configuration files To get the optimum result. Below I have mentioned how to implement XML files where appropriate, so follow the instructions for best results.
  • On some devices you do not need to use XML files, as the APK is already optimized for a particular device. Again, If the download page mentions anything about Configurations then download and apply the XML file.
  • I have provided GCam APKs for several devices based on hardware and developer support. Hopefully the APKs will work on most devices. If your device is not listed below, comment below and we will find a suitable GCam 7.0 APK for your smartphone.

Download Google Camera 7.0 APK for your device

Most of the GCam 7 APKs mentioned here are developed by Urnyx05, BSG, Parrot043, Arnova8G2, wyroczen and more. Huge support for them to develop stable Google Camera mods for a range of devices. Also, APKs Based on Google Camera 7.2 and latest 7.3 So you get all the modern features of Pixel devices. Now, without wasting any time, let’s get to the list.

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Install Google Camera 7.0 On Any Android Device

1. Download the Google Camera 7.0 APK file specific to your device from the links in the section above and install it on your device.

2. Because the APK is downloaded from a third-party source, it may block the installation. But to continue, Tap “Allow” and continue with the installation.

3. That’s it. Now open Google Camera and you will be greeted in the new GCam 7.0 interface.

Install Google Camera 7.0 On Any Android Device

How to Apply XML Configuration File in Google Camera 7 APK

1. After you finish installing the GCam 7 APK, download the XML configuration file and locate it via a file manager. Most likely, it should be in the “Downloads” folder. Now, Move the XML file and paste it into GCam -> Configs7 folder in your internal storage. If the directory does not exist, a GCam folder and then a Configs7 The folder inside the GCam folder. You can now move the XML file.

apply xml file on gcam 7.0 apk

2. Next, open Google Camera and double tap anywhere on the black bar around the shutter button. A dialog box will appear. Here, select the XML configuration file you just moved to the Configs7 folder from the drop-down menu. Finally, tap the “Restore” button. Now the XML configurations will be applied instantly and you should get the best working GCam.

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apply xml file on gcam 7.0 apk

Enable Astrophotography Mode

1. On some devices, astrophotography mode may not work out of the box. well manually enable, Scroll down the viewfinder and tap the “Settings gear” icon. After that, scroll down and go to the “About” option.

Enable Astrophotography Mode

2. Open “Advanced Settings” here and then Search for “cut”. Make sure these flags are turned on.

Enable Astrophotography Mode 2

3. Now, if you switch to Night Vision mode, it will prompt you to enable astrophotography mode. But remember, you will need a tripod and a dark place to enable this feature. If you have a steady hand or can place the device on a stable surface, you can raise the tripod.

Take Stunning Photos with the New Google Camera 7.0 Mode

Here was our article on the new Google Camera 7.0 and how you can install it on your device. We have provided download links for devices with better compatibility with GCam mods as well as ongoing developer support. However, you can definitely try these APKs for other devices as well. Anyway, that’s it for us. If your device is running the new Google Camera 7.0, let us know in the comment section below and tell us about your device.