How to Get Google ARCore on Any Android Device 1

How to Get Google ARCore on Any Android Device

To raise the bar in augmented reality (AR), Google recently announced ARCore. It is developed from the same core technologies as Tango’s and is a direct adaptation of Apple’s ARKit. It’s currently only compatible with the Google Pixel and Samsung Galaxy S8, although it promises some advances in AR by allowing you to view AR rigs using just your smartphone. However, thankfully, with the help of Thomas Suarez (“tomthecarrot”), a developer in the Android community, it is now possible to run ARCore on unsupported devices as well. If you’re wondering how to do this, Here is how you can get ARCore on any Android device:

note: I have successfully tried this method on my OnePlus 5 running Android 7.1. as well as my Samsung Galaxy S8+ running Android 7.0.

Get ARCore on Any Android Device

This method requires installing an ARCore Service APK modified to work with incompatible devices. Now, to use this, Follow the steps below:

  • download and install Modified ARCore Service APK on your device.
  • From now on, download and install Hello AR APK, an ARCore-based app, on the same device.

How to Use ARCore?

Once both of the above mentioned APKs are installed, the next (and obvious) step is, Launch Hello AR app. When you open it, you will see that it is a clutter-free app with a camera-only interface. if you point it on a flat surfacewill recognize it and then touch the screen To add AR scene (currently Bugdroids). You’ll also notice that once you add a prop, they will always appear in the same place. And whether you move the camera or not, they will stay there until you reopen the app.

How to Get Google ARCore on Any Android Device 4

I also tried this method on my Moto G3 and Nexus 5X but unfortunately the app crashed on them every time. Given that ARCore is only a preview version, I want to give the benefit of the doubt. Regardless, if you have a flagship device from this year or last year, the method should work successfully for you.

SEE ALSO: ARCore vs ARKit: How Google’s AR Platform Compares to Apple’s

Try ARCore On Any Android Device?

Google is betting on ARCore to gain market share of augmented reality. With the SDK available to developers, various ARCore-based apps will be coming to many more devices by the end of this year. For now, you can get ARCore on your device with the method mentioned above and give it a shot. So, have you tried ARCore on your Android device? Let me know in the comments section below.

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