How to Get Android O Features on Any Android Device 1

How to Get Android O Features on Any Android Device

Like most major Android updates, the Android O update brings a host of great new features. While Android O betas have been around for a while, they’re only available for Nexus and Pixel smartphones. Also, if the last few years are any indication, most smartphones won’t be getting the Android O update anytime soon. This is where this article comes into play. While you may not get the Android O update, there are some ways to get various Android O features on almost all Android smartphones. So without further ado, Here’s how to get Android O features on your Android device:

1. Android O Wallpaper

With the release of a new Android version every year, Google introduces some new wallpapers. Following this trend, Android O brings a new wallpaper that shows a beautiful view of the celestial body. Well, you can easily get this wallpaper on your device.

you can simply download wallpaper U.S Google Drive folder. If Google offers more wallpapers for Android O, we will upload them to this folder.

If you want to try other great wallpapers from Google, you can download the following: wallpapers app (Free), to get some great wallpapers. This app has Art, World, Landscapes etc to choose your wallpaper. It has different categories such as You even get the option to have a new wallpaper automatically every day.

Google Wallpapers

2. Android O Launcher

The first thing you notice when you look at a phone’s interface is the launcher. Android O comes with Pixel Launcher which was used on Pixel devices last year. To get it on your device, you can: download most Pixel Launcher Removed from Android O or you can get the same look using Nova Launcher (Free) from Play Store.

If you choose the Nova Launcher option, you have to follow the steps mentioned below to enjoy the Pixel Launcher-like look:

  • In the initial setup, choose your General theme as “.Light“App drawer style”gripping“Open app drawer action as”Swipe upTap ” and then “To apply“.

Nova Launcher Installation

  • When you’re done with the initial setup, navigate to: Nova Settings –> Desktop –> Search bar style. From this screen, Choose Bar style and Logo style to match Pixel Launcher.

Google Logo Style

  • Now you need to change the appearance of the icons. to start with Download Pixel Icon Pack (Free). Return after download Nova Settings -> Look and feel -> Choose Icon theme and Pixel Icon Pack.

Icon Pack

Now that you have made all the necessary changes in Nova Settings, it’s time to set Nova Launcher as your default launcher and enjoy an Android O-like launcher on your phone.

3. Notification Points

“Notification Dots” is one of the most popular Android O features. With this, you can see a small dot above the icon of the app you’re getting notifications from. The dots are colored according to the app icon to make them look more natural.

You can get this feature for all old Android versions if you follow the steps below:

  • Receive Latest beta of Nova Launcher From Play Store or by clicking here. You will also need to purchase Main version of Nova Launcher ($4.99).
  • After installing the app, navigate to: Nova Settings –> Notification badges –> Dots. From this screen, location as in the top right and the size as Medium. You may need to enable Notification Access to use this feature.
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Notification Points

Now, the next time you get a notification on your phone, you will see a colored dot in the corresponding app, similar to Android O.

4. Postpone Notifications

Android O lets you snooze your notifications. This feature allows you to dismiss a notification for now and receive it again after a certain time interval. This comes in very handy when you don’t want to deal with a notification right away. Unfortunately, there is no app that emulates snooze notifications in Android O exactly as they are, but you can still get the same functionality on your Android phone via a different app:

  • First, download Notif Log notification history application (Free) and allow it to access your notifications.
  • After installing the app, open it and go to the overflow menu. “enable option”Show floatie“From here.

You can now access the app’s notification panel from: pulling down from the top right corner Here you can swipe left to snooze any notification. You can swipe right if you just want to reject it.

Postpone Notifications

Note that Notif Log notification history is a completely different notification panel. Android’s stock notification panel is still present, but notifications can only be delayed if you access them from the app’s notification panel.

If you want to include the function to snooze notifications in your phone’s notification panel, you can download Boomerang Notifications (Free). It’s not the same but it should be.

5. Custom Navigation Bar Icons

Android O lets you add buttons to the navigation bar by going to the System UI Tuner settings. This feature adds to the customization that Android already provides.

As a user of an older version of Android, you can also add buttons to your phone’s navigation bar by following these steps:

  • Download and install Custom Navigation Bar application (Free with in-app purchases). After the application is installed, phone’s Settings -> Developer options -> USB/Android debugging and enable this option.

Android Debugging

  • Once done, download and Install the ADB driver on your computer and then connect your phone to your computer.
  • Now open the Custom Navigation Bar app and tap on it. “To start”. On the screen below, tap on it. “Copy Command”. You can paste this command into any note app on your phone for reference.

Custom Navigation Bar Setup

  • open now Terminal (Mac) or Command Prompt (Windows) in Administrator mode on your computer and type “ADB shell” without quotes. After that, you can paste the command you copied or type the following:

pm grant xyz.paphonb.systemuituner android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS


  • Now yellow screen should turn green and you will be taken to a device compatibility test. If you pass this test, you will be able to use the app.

Compatibility Test

Finally, open the app, tap on “ to add buttons to your phone’s navigation bar.navigation bar” and Change the type under “Extra left button” or “Extra right button”.

Custom Navigation Buttons

Custom Navigation Bar, further customize the navigation bar. If you want, you can completely change its appearance. We modified it to look like the Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+ on our Nexus 5X. You can check out our detailed article on how to set custom navbar buttons.

6. Automatically Enable WiFi

Android O focuses a lot on battery saving. For the same reason, Android O comes with a feature that automatically turns on your WiFi when you are near a high-quality registered network. This helps you save both your mobile data and your phone’s battery life.

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You can get this feature on your Android device by downloading it. Smart WiFi Switcher application (Free with in-app purchases). After its initial setup, all you have to do is start the service. This app learns your behavior and improves its accuracy over time. In addition to automatically turning on your WiFi like the feature in Android O, Smart WiFi Toggler can turn off your WiFi even when you move away from a saved network.

Smart WiFi Switcher

7. Picture-in-Picture Mode

Picture-in-Picture mode was first introduced on Android TV with the Android Nougat update. With the launch of Android O this year, this feature has also been rolled out to smartphones and tablets. As of now, apps like YouTube and Google Duo already support this feature and other apps are working to include it.

Well, you can download it on older versions of Android Float Tube Video Player (Free with in-app purchases). Like Android O’s picture-in-picture mode, it lets you play YouTube videos in a floating window even when you open another app. Plus you can play videos from your phone in the floating window. This is something even Android O doesn’t have right now.

photo in photo

8. Android O Emojis

For many years Android has been using some oddly shaped emoticons. Some liked it, some didn’t. However, with the release of Android O, a completely different round-shaped emoji pack was announced. And if you ask me, it looks much prettier than before. While this is something Android O exclusive, you can still get it on any older version of Android.

To make Android O emoji pack as default on your old phone have a rooted Android device. After rooting and installing a custom recovery on your phone, download flashing Android O Emoji pack Compressed file. Once downloaded, Flash the ZIP file using custom recovery on your phone. Now, next time you restart your phone, you will see the new emoji pack is ready to use.

Android O emojis

9. Custom Lock Screen Shortcuts

If you’ve been using Android for a while, you must have noticed that the predefined shortcuts for phone and camera apps on the lock screen cannot be changed. However, you can select the apps you want to open in Android O from your phone’s lock screen.

If you want to set custom lock screen shortcuts on any Android phone, you can download a third-party app like below. Next Lock Screen application (Free). Once installed, open the app and it will take you directly to the lock screen. Now, when are you swipe up from the bottom of the screen, Tap on “Choose your shortcuts” You can choose anything from 5 to 10 apps to choose custom lock screen shortcuts. After being selected, Tap on “Done”. You will now have app shortcuts on your lock screen. If you want a different lock screen app, you can check out the article on the best lock screen apps for Android.

Next Lock Screen

This method may not be exactly like Android O’s custom lock screen shortcuts, but it’s a pretty good alternative.

SEE ALSO: Android O: What’s New in Latest Android Version?

Get Android O Features on Your Android Device

Android O introduced some really cool features that everyone would love to have on their Android phone. Even if you won’t be getting the Android O update, now you know how to get these features for your phone. So go ahead and get the latest features on your non-newest phone.

Are there any other Android O features that you know can be brought back to older versions of Android? Let us know in the comments section below.

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