How to Get a New Safari Browser on macOS Big Sur or Older 1

How to Get a New Safari Browser on macOS Big Sur or Older

FaceTime and Safari are probably the two most advanced apps in macOS 12 Monterey. Safari’s newest features, with a redesigned user interface, smooth tab management, and extremely useful Quick Notes, will encourage everyone to give the macOS Monterey beta a try. But what if you don’t want to risk your host by installing the macOS beta and are instead looking for a safer way to get the new Safari browser on macOS Big Sur or older? Apparently, there is a reliable way to use macOS Monterey’s new Safari browser on older macOS computers. Let me show you how it works.

Install New Safari Browser on Old macOS Versions in 2021

Ever since Apple released the macOS Monterey developer beta, I’ve been testing Apple’s latest desktop operating system. Apart from the occasional freeze and lag, I haven’t encountered any major issues with macOS Monterey. However, considering the unexpected bugs that may dampen your excitement, I would not recommend installing macOS 12 beta. Instead, it’s much safer to test the new redesigned Safari on older macOS versions. Also, you don’t have to go through the tedious procedure to install macOS Monterey public beta. Having said that, let’s dive right in!

Install Safari 15 Beta on Your Mac Running macOS Big Sur or Catalina

To give more Mac owners an idea of ​​what they can expect from the brand new Safari browser, Apple has begun inviting select macOS Big Sur and Catalina users to join the AppleSeed Program. If invited, you can install the Safari 15 beta on your old macOS Big Sur or Catalina computer before its official release this fall.

Then what? Unfortunately, there is no way Sign up for the AppleSeed program Just because it’s an invitation. The Cupertino giant randomly selects users and sends them an invitation via email with a detailed guide on how to download the Safari 15 beta. But don’t bother, because even if you can’t be a part of the AppleSeed program, you’re out of luck.

If you’re really interested in testing the new browser, we’ve outlined the easiest way to get the new Safari browser experience on your Mac.

Download Safari Technology Preview to Use New Safari Browser in macOS Big Sur

Safari Technology Preview has long been a safe way for Apple device users to test Safari features in development. While Safari Tech Preview is primarily designed for developers, anyone can benefit from it. And that’s exactly what we will do.

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Now, you might be wondering, can you use it with the official version of Safari on your Mac? Well, the answer is – yes. But keep in mind that Safari Tech Preview comes with a bunch of new features that are still ongoing. So it may take some time for Apple to introduce these features, provided everything falls into place.

Note that the latest version of Safari Technology Preview requires macOS Big Sur to install. So make sure your Mac is running the supported version of macOS.

1. To get started, go to: Safari developer webpage. After that, scroll down to find “Safari Technology Preview for macOS Big Sur” link and download it to your Mac.

2. Now, double click most Safari Technology Preview.dmg file.

Click on Safari technology Preview DMG file

3. Next, Double-click the Safari Technology Preview.pkg file.

Safari technology preview pkg file

4. In the installer window, click on it. Go on To begin installing the Safari Technology Preview on your macOS Big Sur device.

Click Continue

5. Next, read the software license agreement and Go on to continue.

Press Continue again

6. Now a pop-up window will appear asking you to: accept the terms of the software license agreement. click To accept.

Click Accept

7. Next, click To organise to perform a standard installation.

Click Install

8. Next, you will be asked to enter your password. Enter your password and “Install the software” button.

Install Software - Install Safari Browser on macOS Big Sur

9. You will receive a confirmation after the Safari Technology Preview is installed. And that’s it. You can now start using the redesigned Safari browser with tab groups, new More menu and sharing features, among other features.

Safari tech preview installation successful - Install Safari Browser on macOS Big Sur

Use New Safari Browser on Older macOS Versions on Mac

Now that you have the new Safari browser installed on your Mac, you must be wondering what’s new here. So, let me bring your attention to a few key features.

Tab Groups

The highlight of the macOS Monterey Safari browser is the tab group feature. It allows you to organize your tabs perfectly to avoid clutter when many tabs are open at the same time. So, depending on your preference, you can create different groups of tabs such as entertainment, tech, shopping and more to enhance your browsing experience.

Tab groups are also available in iOS 15, so all your tabs are synced across devices connected to the same iCloud account. Creating a tab group in Safari is easy. Follow the steps below:

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1. To get started, Open the Safari Technology Preview app. You can find it in the Applications folders. Drag the app from the Applications folder and drop it into the Dock for quick access.

Open the Safari tech preview

2. Click on little down arrow next to the sidebar icon in the upper left corner of the screen.

Down arrow - Install Safari Browser on macOS Big Sur

3. After that, click on New Empty Tab Group. Note that you can also create a new tab group with existing tabs.

Create new empty tab group

4th place, give the tab group an appropriate name, and you’re done. If you want to learn all about tab groups, follow our detailed guide on how to use tab groups in Safari on macOS 12 Monterey.

Give your tab group a name - install Safari Browser on macOS Big Sur

While many macOS users praised the merging of the address bar with the tab bar, others disliked this change. The tech giant has hidden multiple buttons from the main UI for a more intuitive look. It also revamped tab management, which doesn’t fare well with a large user segment.

Due to severe complaints, Apple recently made a few design changes to the tab bar, making the unified design optional. So you can continue to use the stock web browser with the old address bar at the top and then the touch bar at the bottom.

shared with you

“Shared With You” automatically shows any links shared in the Apple Messages app. In addition, it also stores the shared links you pinned. So, if you want to check web links shared via stock messaging app on Apple devices, you no longer need to enter conversation threads.

Click to see these links sidebar icon located in the upper left corner of the screen. After this, “shared with you”. On this screen, you should see all the shared links.

shared with you

If you want to stop web links shared via the Apple Messages app from appearing on the “Shared With You” screen, you can disable it. To do this, click the menu button in the lower right corner of the screen.

three horizontal lines - Install Safari Browser on macOS Big Sur

Now, “shared with you” option and that’s it.

Disable what's shared with you in Safari on macOS 12

Use Redesigned Safari Browser in Older macOS Versions

Here you go, here you go! So you can try the brand new Safari browser with macOS Monterey on your Mac running macOS Big Sur. For people who don’t want to install the macOS Monterey beta but still want to try the revamped Safari browser, this method is a much safer bet. By the way, what are your thoughts on the new Safari design and all the new features? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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