Microsoft’s Xbox One plays games, Blu-ray movies, music and live television. Unfortunately, there isn’t much the console can do when there’s no internet connection or when it’s having trouble accessing Xbox Live (Microsoft’s multiplayer and entertainment service). Over the past two weeks, reports have revealed that the software running on the Xbox One sometimes refuses to connect to Microsoft’s servers, even though the Xbox One and the user’s internet connection are working perfectly normally.
: If you are facing this issue in 2019, check out this post for the latest on Xbox One black screen and broken sidebar and unable to play games online.
Here’s how to fix Xbox One loading issue and get your games back to playing online, streaming music, and more.
Before we get started, it’s important to know if you’re really affected by the Xbox One installation issue or if something else is going on with your setup.
If you can turn on your Xbox One and you only see one spinning wheel in your Control Panel, that’s an Xbox One installation error. If your console tells you that it can’t find an internet connection, it’s more likely that your internet connection itself is down. Find a laptop, smartphone, tablet or 2-in-1 somewhere in your home and see if it connects to the internet. You should also call your internet provider if they have issues.
If the internet on the other device is working and your Xbox One still can’t connect to Xbox Live, select on the Home screen. Then go to apps and select . Check your wireless internet connection below and make sure you entered your Wi-Fi password and other information correctly.
If you’re still having problems, go to your Xbox One and put your index finger on the console’s on button and hold it there. Don’t move. Instead, keep it there until the console turns off both itself and the Kinect 2 sensor.
By default, Xbox One goes into what’s called a lower power state. Technically, every time you turn off the console using the controller, it doesn’t turn off completely. Instead, it just sips power, checks for updates, and listens for the “Xbox, On” command so it can reboot your display and some internal components. You can turn this off in the Xbox One’s settings, but it’s best to leave it on. Turning it off will make you wait a minute before doing anything going forward with your Xbox One.
After the console completely shuts itself down, put your finger on the same power to turn it back on. Then wait for the console to reboot itself. You will notice that a white Xbox One logo with a green background now covers your screen. If you have configured your Xbox One to turn your television on and off, you should turn it back on after the console has completely rebooted.
You should now see the Xbox One Dashboard on the right side of your screen, complete with tiles and high-profile content. Sign in to your Xbox One by saying “Xbox, Sign as… (your username)”. If you’re connected to Xbox Live, you should now also see your Pins and other information.
You have successfully fixed the Xbox One installation issue.
There are two important things you should know before you celebrate. First, just because you managed to fix the bug this time doesn’t mean it won’t come back. We’ve experienced this over and over on two different consoles. This means you may need to repeat the process at some point in the future.
The second important thing to take is that Microsoft has fixed the issue in an upcoming update. Our Xbox One, which was updated via the Xbox Update Preview Program, has had no problems since it was renewed. Presumably this means users can expect a fix as part of the April Xbox One Update, which Microsoft shared more details earlier this week. The company has yet to share a broader release date for this update. It also includes more support for Blu-ray recordings, YouTube video sharing, and more. Xbox One owners outside of the Preview Program should see the update before the end of the month (if past Xbox One updates are an accurate indication of Microsoft’s plans).
Read: This Is What You Can Expect in the April Xbox One Update
Even if your console is affected by the error again, it doesn’t mean you can’t do anything with your console before restarting it. Disc-based games and movies will still play fine, but you won’t be able to enable any multiplayer experience. For example, you will find that you can play. Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag’s The whole story, you can’t dive into the multiplayer game until you restart your console. You cannot play online based games such as Titan Falls, because this game is totally dependent on an internet connection and the smooth running of Microsoft’s servers.