How to Fix Windows 10 Autocorrect Issues 1

How to Fix Windows 10 Autocorrect Issues

Windows 10 autocorrect problems will drive you crazy. Use this guide to fix Windows 10 autocorrect issues that are ruining your writing today.

Of all the Windows 10 problems you can have, autocorrect problems are the most annoying. This is because they occur hundreds of times a day and unlike other problems Windows 10 users face, autocorrect problems affect the way you communicate. With autocorrect issues, just wait to send an email to realize that Windows 10 is replacing what you typed with something you didn’t write. Autocorrect issues also make it harder to type in your friends’ names and stop mentioning them on Twitter and Facebook.

Windows 10 autocorrect issues also make Windows 10 difficult to use when you’re not typing or typing anything. Searching for an app becomes problematic as autocorrect can replace what you type just before clicking the search button. If Windows 10 is already incorrectly correcting your messages, this could happen.

Here’s how to fix Windows 10 autocorrect issues and stop your laptop, desktop, or tablet from generating errors that aren’t in your emails, messages, and posts.

How to Add a Word to the Dictionary of Windows 10

The easiest way to fix Windows 10 autocorrect problems is to add problematic words to your dictionary. Whatever the reason, there is no easy way to do this from the Settings app. However, you can add words to Windows 10’s dictionary by editing a text file embedded in the operating system.

Open any File Explorer window with an address bar, such as the Documents folder.

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By right-clicking the text below in the address bar in that File Explorer window.

Press enter on your keyboard.

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Open the folder. Note that the name of this folder depends on your default language. For this tutorial, we are editing the English United States keyboard, so we have the en-us folder in our example.

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Now, on file.

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Choose .

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Select Notepad from the list of applications where you can open the file. If Notepad does not appear as an option, click on the text at the bottom of the pop-up window and find it in the list. Do not open this file with anything other than Notepad. .

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Click below the first word and add the word you want Windows 10’s autocorrect to stop changing. For this tutorial, we added “AppData” to the dictionary. Each word you add to this file needs its own line.

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Click the icon at the top. Then click.

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After this point, Windows 10 will not automatically try to fix anything you add to the dictionary file. This change will unfortunately not sync with other Windows 10 PCs.

How to Turn Off Windows 10 AutoCorrect

If you don’t like autocorrect and want to disable them all together, turn off Windows 10 autocorrect from Settings app. While it doesn’t allow you to easily add words to the dictionary, Microsoft makes it very easy to do.

Press the Start key on your keyboard or click in the corner of your computer.

How to Fix Windows 10 Autocorrect Issues 4

Click the icon on the left side of the Start Menu or Start Screen.

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Click in the Settings app.

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Click on the icon in the menu on the left side of the application.

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Turn the key to the off position. Windows will stop correcting anything you type. Turn the switch off and the operating system will stop Windows 10 from highlighting words it thinks you’ve misspelled.

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If you leave both features turned off, correct everything you wrote. Built-in apps and apps you download from the Microsoft Store depend on Windows 10 autocorrect to let you know you’ve mistyped something. For example, free Office Mobile apps will not automatically correct misspelled words without this feature, even though Office 2016 apps have their own dictionaries.

To organise in terms of grammar and other Microsoft Edge extensions that let you know if you’ve mistyped something or a web app you visit frequently.

How to Turn Off Windows 10 AutoCorrect on Keyboards

For years, Windows 10 autocorrect only fixed what you typed on the touchscreen, but that’s about to change. Windows 10 Spring Creators Update adds automatic fix for hardware keyboards. If you’ve just installed this update and don’t like the feature, here’s how to turn it off.

Click the icon in the corner of your screen.

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Click along the left edge of the start menu.

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Click .

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Now, click on the menu on the right side of your screen.

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Scroll to the bottom of the list and turn off all the switches below it. This will stop Windows 10 from suggesting words as you type and turn off Windows 10 autocorrect for your keyboard. If you decide to use it, return here to turn the feature back on.

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How to Fix Windows 10 Autocorrect Issues 21

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