How To Fix Verification Failed: Error Connecting To Apple ID Server Issues 1

How To Fix Verification Failed: Error Connecting To Apple ID Server Issues

This guide will show you how to fix the error on your iPhone or iPad. You may see this when setting up a new iPhone or trying to install an iPhone update.

We saw this most recently when setting up the iPhone 8 Plus and installing an iOS 11 update, but you can see it on any iPhone or iPad. In most cases there are ways to fix this quickly, but depending on when you see it, you need access to another WiFi network or a computer.

How to fix annoying Apple ID Server error on iPhone or iPad.

Here’s what to do if you keep getting the Authentication Failed Error while trying to connect to the Apple ID Server on your iPhone or iPad. Try these four steps before you bother to talk to Apple because after a long wait they will tell you the same thing;

  1. Restart iPhone or iPad
  2. Restart Your Router and Modem
  3. Try another WiFi Network
  4. Update Your iPhone with iTunes

In most cases restarting your iPhone and your router or modem won’t work, but it will fix the occasional problem. We’ve had no success turning off WiFi and trying to use LTE to complete the installation or find the update.

Try Another WiFi Network

We saw the Apple ID Server error when setting up an iPhone 8 and were able to fix it by connecting to a different WiFi network and completing the setup. This only took a few minutes and was a simple fix. The problematic network is a TP Link router and many topics It suggests turning all kinds of settings on and off to get the iPhone to work with TP Link routers, but that’s not the only reason for the problem.

Update with iTunes

How To Fix Verification Failed: Error Connecting To Apple ID Server Issues 4

The same phone failed to install the iOS 11.0.2 update on the home WiFi network. When checking for an update, we saw the Authentication Failed: An error occurred reconnecting to the Apple ID Server error.

Trying another WiFi network, turning airplane mode on or off, or trying to find the update over LTE didn’t work this time. We needed to connect to iTunes to install the iOS 11.0.2 update.

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If you see the Apple ID Server issue on your iPhone or iPad, you should connect to iTunes and install the update that way. Here is a guide on how to install iOS updates using iTunes.

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