How To Fix Nova Launcher On Android P Beta 1

How To Fix Nova Launcher On Android P Beta

Google announced Android P Beta on stage at Google I/O today, and it’s now available for download for many devices. An updated Pixel Launcher has also arrived with the new Android P Beta. However, many users still rely on Nova Launcher, the most popular third-party Android launcher. Unfortunately, many users are reporting that the launcher is not working properly in the new Android P Beta update. Well, if you’re one of them, read on as we show you a simple and effective fix for Nova Launcher in Android P Beta:

Problem with Nova Launcher on Android P Beta

Ever since Android Nougat introduced the Pixel Launcher, most of the users on Nova Launcher have also gotten used to having their App Drawers set in a vertical format. However, the app list is not displayed properly in Android P Beta. In its place, all you get is a white screen, at the bottom of the screen, only a few apps are shown behind the navigation bar while opaque. You can see what I’m talking about in the screenshot below:

App Drawer in Nova Launcher on Android P can’t show any apps

If you’re one of the Nova Launcher users who updated their device to Android P Beta, read on as we show you how to fix Nova Launcher’s app drawer in Android P Beta:

Fix Nova Launcher in Android P Beta

note: I tested the following method on my Google Pixel 2 XL running Android P Developer Preview 2. The method should remain the same for all other devices running Android P Developer Preview 2.

1. Open Nova Settings and per “App and widget drawers”.

How To Fix Nova Launcher On Android P Beta

2. Next, tap on “App drawer style” and choose “Horizontal”. This basically switches Nova Launcher’s app drawer to card style view.

How To Fix Nova Launcher On Android P Beta

3. That’s it. Now, when you try to open your App Drawer, the list of apps should appear perfectly.

How To Fix Nova Launcher On Android P Beta

SEE ALSO: How to Use Gesture Navigation on Android P

Fix Nova Launcher’s App Drawer in Android P Beta

Personally, I prefer a vertical list of all my apps in the app drawer. However, until Nova Launcher releases a fix for this, switching to card view seems like your best bet. Nova Launcher has been getting a lot of heat lately due to the lack of updates, and the developers have even stated that a new update is on the way. Therefore, we would only expect the world’s most preferred Android launcher to be better compatible on Android P.

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So, did the above fix work for you? Share your experiences and opinions with us in the comments below.

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