How To Fix Mac Won't Play Audio From Bluetooth Headphones 1

How To Fix Mac Won’t Play Audio From Bluetooth Headphones

Listening to audio with wired headphones on your computer can cause tangled wires and other inconveniences. So if you’ve decided to use Bluetooth headphones with your Mac instead, no one can blame you.

At the same time, using a Bluetooth headset does not always mean that you will get rid of all your problems. Sometimes you may find that the sound has stopped working.

If you can’t hear anything from your Bluetooth headphones connected to the Mac, this article will help you fix the problem.

What Causes Your Mac’s Bluetooth Headphones to Stop Playing Audio?

Even if your Mac says you’ve connected your wireless headphones, it may stop working properly for a variety of reasons.

In some cases, your headphones may stop playing sound because their battery is low, or you will hear the sound much quieter than usual. In this case, connect your headset to a USB charger and you should fix the problem.

In other cases, your Bluetooth headphones may stop playing audio due to a problem with your signal. For example, something could interfere with the connection.

How To Fix No Sound Issue Without Disconnecting Headphones

While you can disconnect your Bluetooth headset from your Mac before re-pairing it, let’s face it – doing so takes a lot of effort.

Try checking if you can fix the problem on your Mac before disconnecting your headset. Check the audio output for that. To do this:

Stage 1: Go to the Apple logo in the upper left corner of your Mac’s toolbar.

Step 2: Click System Preferences when the pop-up menu appears.

Mac access system preferences

Stage 3: Look for the Audio option, which is the microphone icon with sound waves.

Mac system preferences sound settings

Step 4: In the window below, select the Output tab at the top.

Mac audio output

Step 5: If your device is connected, you should see it listed in the big white box. Highlight this and your voice should immediately play through your headphones.

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mac earphones of choice

You can also change the output sound under the white box and move the slider to the right to make the sounds louder. Make sure the mute box is also unchecked; You will see it right next to it.

Mac output volume and mute

After changing your audio output, start playing a song, video or podcast to confirm that you fixed the problem.

How to Disconnect and Reconnect Your Headphones

If the solution above didn’t work, you can try disconnecting and reconnecting your Bluetooth headset to your Mac. While it may be a bit more time-consuming to do this, the process is fairly simple and shouldn’t take too long.

First, you need to disconnect your headphones. You can do this by holding down the button that does this, or by putting the headset back in its case, turning it off from the device itself.

Alternatively, you can disconnect them using your Mac. You have several options; the first is to detach them from your Mac’s toolbar. To do this:

Stage 1: Click the Bluetooth icon at the top of your screen. You’ll find it closer to the right, and it should be between the volume and the Wi-Fi icon (or approximately).

Mac bluetooth icon

Step 2: After selecting the Bluetooth icon, a list of connected devices will appear. If your headset is connected, the headset logo will appear in a blue circle. Click this once to disconnect them.

Mac bluetooth headphones are leaving desktop

Alternatively, you can disconnect them from the Bluetooth subsection. Follow these steps:

Stage 1: Click on Bluetooth Preferences under the Bluetooth icon.

Mac, click on bluetooth preferences

Step 2: Highlight it and you’ll see a small x next to your headset. Tap on it.

Mac, manually disconnect headphones

When you’re ready to reconnect your headset to your Mac, turn it back on. If you disconnected your headphones by turning them off on the devices themselves or using the first Bluetooth option, the headphones should pair again when you’re in range with your Mac.

But if you chose the last option, you have to reconnect them manually. To do this:

Stage 1: Go back to Bluetooth Preferences.

Step 2: After you turn on your headset, select Connect next to your headset.

Reconnect mac bluetooth headphones

After reconnecting your headphones, you should have no problems listening to audio from your Mac through the headphones.

Fix Bluetooth Headphone Sound on Mac

When your Bluetooth headset isn’t playing sound from your Mac, it can significantly disrupt your day. Fortunately, this issue is easy to fix and shouldn’t take you too long.

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If you’ve tried everything in this article and still no sound is playing, you may need to replace your headphones.

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