How to Fix Logitech Mouse Issues on OS X El Capitan 1

How to Fix Logitech Mouse Issues on OS X El Capitan

If you’ve updated to OS X El Capitan and are having issues with your Logitech mouse not working properly, here’s how to fix Logitech mouse problems on OS X El Capitan.

El Capitan was recently released, and while it retains the same overall look and feel as OS X Yosemite, it comes with a host of new features that users are already enjoying, including Spotlight Search enhancements, an overhauled Notes applet, swipe gestures. that you can use in a handful of stock apps and much more.

Of course, with every new version of OS X comes many problems that users face in the first few days after installing the update. There are a few we’ve already discovered, but more and more problems are constantly popping up.

For example, many Logitech mouse owners, myself included, complain about a specific issue they are having with their pointers.

Users have been complaining about how the scroll wheel no longer works on OS X El Capitan. This only seems to affect newer Logitech Mice like the MX Master and MX Anywhere 2 that use new Logitech Options software from the company. Fortunately, the issue doesn’t seem to affect older Logitech mice, as my M705 mouse works just fine on OS X El Capitan.

If you’re still having these issues, there are a few fixes you can try to fix the issue, one of which should do the trick.

Disconnecting and Reconnecting

Perhaps a really easy fix you can try is to unplug the USB receiver and plug it back in. This fixed the issue for me instantly.


However, these new mice can use both USB wireless and Bluetooth; so if you’re using the Bluetooth functionality on your mouse instead and you’re having a scroll wheel problem, try disconnecting the mouse from Bluetooth. Even make your Mac forget its Bluetooth device and completely fix it if turning the mouse off and on doesn’t work.

Usually this will fix the problem, but if not, there is something else you can try that will definitely fix the problem.

Updating Logitech Options

The software that allows users to customize newer Logitech mice is called Logitech Options and it works great with OS X Yosemite. However, it’s a good idea Redownload from Logitech’s website and reinstall to make sure you have the latest version.

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Screenshot 2015-10-02, 2.46.09 PM

Although the description for the latest Logitech Options release indicates that it supports OS X Yosemite 10.10, there is actually an update that brings Logitech Options to version 5.30.150. Installing this version over the older version you most likely currently have should bring back the scroll wheel functionality and fix other issues with Logitech mice on OS X El Capitan.

I hope Logitech releases an official OS X El Capitan update soon and updates the description to avoid confusing users, but that will happen soon, especially since the issue has been raised on Logitech’s own community forums.

When OS X Yosemite was released last year there were similar issues where users were unable to even download Logitech software on Yosemite machines without doing a quick workaround, so we’re not too surprised at today’s OS X El Capitan issues.

Again, many apps and utilities should work just fine when migrating from Yosemite to El Capitan, but the software is pretty fragile and a small change in code can cause a lot of problems for app developers. Fortunately, we haven’t run into such problems too many times, but it’s still too early.

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