How to Fix iPhone Not Found in iTunes 1

How to Fix iPhone Not Found in iTunes

You’re ready to back up your iPhone or sync new music, but it doesn’t show up in iTunes when you plug the iPhone into it. The problem that iPhone cannot be found in iTunes usually occurs on Windows computers when there is a problem with the service that helps iPhone talk to your computer and iTunes.

We will show you how to fix iPhone not found in iTunes error for Windows computers. These solutions work for iPhone and iPad on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

To get started, we’ll talk about the easiest options so that you don’t have to spend a lot of time if it’s a simple solution. In total, you should be able to fix iPhone not found in iTunes error in less than 30 minutes, but for many users, this can take as little as five minutes.

When you encounter iPhone not found in iTunes issue, you may also see errors saying iPhone is not recognized, iPhone cannot be restored in iTunes, or there may be an exclamation mark in the lower right corner of your screen. int o Device Manager.

You don’t need to be a computer expert to solve this problem. When iPhone is not found in iTunes, you can start repairing your computer here.

Restart Everything

Turn your computer off and then on again. While this is happening, you should also restart your iPhone or iPad. Sometimes this will fix the problem. If not, continue.

Restart your iPhone and computer.

Update iTunes and Your Computer

Open iTunes and click on it. If updates are available, you’ll need to follow the onscreen instructions (such as next, accept, and install) to update your iTunes.

You can also check for updates in Windows. Here’s how to check for updates in Windows 8.

After updating everything, you may want to restart the computer once again and see if the iPhone shows up in iTunes. If not, there’s still hope for an easy fix.

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Does iPhone Trust Your Computer?

Tap on Trust to make sure your iPhone can connect to your computer.

Tap on Trust to make sure your iPhone can connect to your computer.

When you connect iPhone to your computer, you should see a small pop-up on your iPhone asking if you trust this computer. You must choose trust. If you don’t see it, unplug it and plug it back in to look for the popup. If you still don’t see it, your iPhone probably already trusts this computer.

Try a New Cable

iphone 5 lightning cable

Try a new cable to make sure this isn’t the problem.

This sounds simple and a bit obvious, but try a new cable to see if you can connect. Sometimes a cable will charge your iPhone, but there is an issue that is preventing the connection to your computer. Also make sure the port is free of dust and other debris such as lint.

Fix Apple Mobile Device Support

If none of these found your iPhone in iTunes issues, you need to check if Apple Mobile Device Support is installed and running.

On Windows you need to go to If so, you know it’s installed and you can proceed to the next step. If it is not installed, you should uninstall iTunes and other Apple software.

Make sure Apple Mobile Device Support is installed.

Make sure Apple Mobile Device Support is installed.

Apple recommends uninstalling multiple Apple apps in a specific order. They also recommend removing all of them, not just some. Use this Guide for Windows XP and this Guide for Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

When you’re done, you can reinstall iTunes like this: download from Apple.

If it is installed, you may need to restart the service. Follow instructions on this page To restart Apple Mobile Device Service on Windows. The guide covers Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Check Apple Mobile Device USB Driver

If the iPhone is still not found in iTunes, you need to check the USB driver. What to do in Windows Open Device Manager. On this screen, scroll down to search for the list of Universal Serial Bus controllers. You should see the Apple Mobile Device USB Driver listed under this area, you may need to click on the plus sign to see it. An ‘x’, ‘?’ if any or ‘!’ You will need to take action.

Check Apple Mobile Device driver.

Check Apple Mobile Device driver.

If you have installed an Android smartphone or any tethering software, you may need to temporarily uninstall it for this to work. After doing that, uninstall other iTunes apps from Apple in the order outlined in these guides. Use this Guide for Windows XP and this Guide for Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

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If you see Unknown Device, you need to prepare for further work. also bottom of this pageYou will find a detailed walkthrough, also test your computer and connection and if Unknown device appears for your iPhone when you connect it to a working computer with another device, it may need service.

For users with an iPhone in warranty, you can get support from an Apple Store with a Genius Bar appointment, but you’ll need to bring your computer and iPhone with you and you’ll want to make sure it’s one thing. Your support level is included, so you don’t have to pay for it.

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