How to Fix iPhone Frozen in 10 Seconds 1

How to Fix iPhone Frozen in 10 Seconds

This guide will show you how to fix a frozen iPhone without losing your data or visiting an Apple Store for help. You can fix a frozen iPhone in 10 seconds without a computer or any other accessory, so you can get back to your day. You can also use this to fix a frozen iPad, iPad mini and iPad Pro. This works on iOS 9, iOS 10 and iOS 11.

Sometimes a frozen iPhone won’t let you do any activity and you’re usually stuck on an app or home screen. This can also help your iPhone get stuck and won’t turn on, but you will mainly use it when the iPhone is stuck with an app or something on the screen.

It’s a hard reboot, but some people will call it a hard reset. Don’t worry about the reset part of that name. You are not resetting the iPhone as you would with a factory reset which clears all data.

Fix your frozen iPhone in seconds.

This may not solve all your problems. If your iPhone is freezing regularly, you may need to uninstall an app or do a real factory reset on your iPhone and start from scratch.

It’s normal for iPhone to freeze once or twice a year after installing a bad app or encountering a problem. If things continue to freeze or go badly, there may be a hardware issue that requires a trip to the Apple Store.

Fix Frozen iPhone in 10 Seconds

You can fix a frozen iPhone in about ten seconds.

If you have an iPhone 7, you should. When the iPhone screen changes from frozen to showing an Apple logo or just a blank screen, you can let it go.

This is a hard reboot. By pressing and holding the home button and power button, you force the iPhone to restart. This is like holding down the power button on a Macbook or laptop or simply unplugging a device from its power source.

You will see this screen when you fix a frozen iPhone.

You will see this screen when you fix a frozen iPhone.

There is no need to hold down the power buttons after the phone restarts. You shouldn’t lose any data doing this, but if you’re typing a message, document, or working on something within an app, you might lose this little work depending on when it was saved.

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You don’t need to be connected to a wall outlet or computer to use this method to fix a frozen iPhone. If the battery is low, plugging it in may help, but otherwise, it’s worth doing when the iPhone freezes.

This works on any iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch on any version of Apple software, including iOS 5, iOS 6, iOS 7, iOS 8, iOS 9, iOS 10, and the upcoming iOS 11.

For users who are constantly experiencing this problem, it may be good to uninstall a problematic application or make sure it is up to date. If you never restart your iPhone or iPad and this happens once or twice a year, you can usually avoid it by restarting your iPhone every two weeks.

If this is a persistent problem, you should consider backing up iPhone to iCloud or your computer and then factory resetting it. This will take longer to complete, but may fix problems.

If you choose to restore from an iPhone backup and the problem persists, you may need to hard reset the iPhone and then set it up as a new device.