Apple’s iOS 7.1.2 update was released to fix the ongoing iOS 7.1 issues and the issues that the iOS 7.1.1 update brought with it. However, in the days after its release, we heard a lot of iPhone and iPad users complaining about iOS 7.1.2 issues, and here we want to tell you how to fix some of the more common problems.
In March, Apple finally pulled the iOS 7.1 update out of beta and rolled it out to the general public. As many iPhone and iPad owners know, the iOS 7.1 update was a much bigger update than most. While not on the same level as iOS 7, it provided tons of bug fixes, as well as new features, design improvements, and performance improvements.
And while iOS 7.1 was forced to fix iOS 7 issues, we soon learned that the iOS 7.1 update also brought some issues. iPhone and iPad owners faced various issues after the iOS 7.1 update, including battery life issues, Wi-Fi issues, issues with iMessage, random reboots, and more. These only scratch the surface.
To fix these issues, Apple released iOS 7.1. The update was released in April with a few fixes on board. Unfortunately, iOS 7.1.1 brought some problems on its own and failed to fix the remaining iOS 7.1 issues. We’ve heard a lot of complaints in the weeks leading up to July, and now Apple seems to be listening.
Last week, Apple released iOS 7.1.2, another bug fix update for iOS 7.1 and an update that offers triple bug fixes for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch users. You can probably see where this is going.
Yes, the iOS 7.1.2 update also created problems for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch owners. We touched on a range of topics ranging from abnormal battery drain to problems with cellular data.
With an iOS 7.1.3 update coming out of the picture and an iOS 8 release scheduled for fall, those struggling with iOS 7.1.2 issues should gamble on temporary fixes to alleviate some of these issues. While we don’t have a fix for every single iOS 7.1.2 issue, we do have some potential fixes for common iOS 7.1.2 issues.
Note that these fixes are not guaranteed to work, but are definitely worth a try if your performance drops after installing the iOS 7.1.2 update on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
How to Fix iOS 7.1.2 Installation Issues
iPhone and iPad users have been extremely vocal about iOS 7.1.2 installation issues the day it was released and in the days after the update arrived. The problems are similar. During the installation process, the iOS 7.1.2 update shuts down and refuses to complete. We’ve mentioned this fix many times, but there are a lot of people who haven’t upgraded to iOS 7.1.
If you can’t install iOS 7.1.2, all you have to do is perform a hard reset. To do this, press and hold the power button and home button for about 10 seconds until the Apple logo appears and the phone reboots. This should clear this issue and allow you to continue with the iOS 7.1.
We’ve received tons of positive feedback about this fix, so we’re pretty sure this will fix most, if not all, iOS 7.1. As we mentioned in our reviews, we installed iOS 7.1.2 without any problems.
How to Improve iOS 7.1.2 Battery Life
iPhone and iPad owners constantly complain about the negative impact of iOS updates on battery life, and iOS 7.1.2 has not escaped their wrath. There is no guaranteed fix for these issues, but there are a few things we suggest you try to alleviate these issues.
There are a few things to try but the first is a quick and easy fix. Here’s what you need to do:
- Tap on Settings.
- Tap on General.
- Scroll down and tap on Reset.
- Tap on Reset All Settings.
- Enter the password if prompted.
This will reset all your settings so the process will take a few minutes to complete. While it’s not guaranteed to fix your battery life issues, there’s a chance things will improve.
If that doesn’t work, check out our comprehensive list of iOS 7.1 battery life tips. They can help you solve your problems and who knows, they can help you form better habits.
How to Fix iMessage Issues on iOS 7.1.2
iMessage problems arose after each iOS 7 update. Some users can receive but not send iMessages and some cannot receive or send them. We ran into iMessage problems ourselves in iOS 7.1.2. Messages are delivered after hours or not delivered at all, for whatever reason. Fortunately, there are some fixes to try.
The first thing to try is to turn iMessage on and off. If that doesn’t work, try restarting the phone. If none of these work, it’s time to reset the device’s network settings. (Both of these have worked for us in the past.)
To do this, enter it. While the phone will reboot and lose your saved Wi-Fi networks, re-entering a Wi-Fi password is a small price to pay for working iMessages.
How to Fix iOS 7.1.2 Wi-Fi Issues
For the past two years, Apple’s discussion forum has been filled with complaints about Wi-Fi issues. iPhone and iPad users have complained of a wide range of issues, from grayed out Wi-Fi to unstable connections. It seems that many of these issues persist in iOS 7.1.
Fixes that work on iOS 6 are likely to work with iOS 7.1.2. Users have seen success with these fixes last year, and it’s worth a try this time, too.
We also recommend that you try resetting network settings on iPhone or iPad. head to do it. This isn’t a guaranteed fix, but it’s definitely a must-try solution if Wi-Fi isn’t working well.
If that doesn’t work, there may be a problem with the router. We recommend that you make sure the router’s firmware is up to date. If so, try resetting it. Some people have had success with this. Older routers seem to have issues with newer iOS updates, so it’s possible that a router and not iOS 7 is the culprit.
How to Fix App-Related Issues in iOS 7.1.2
While we haven’t heard too many complaints about app performance in iOS 7.1.2, there are enough of them to be mentioned here. App instability is common after iOS updates, and there are a few things iPhone and iPad owners can try to alleviate them.
First, make sure your apps are updated. Developers like Facebook are getting better and better at keeping their apps up to date with bug fixes and improvements, and you’ll want to make sure your apps have the latest fixes. If you don’t want to do it yourself, you can turn on automatic App Store updates. This will automatically update your apps and ensure they are always at the latest version with the latest bug fixes.
We’ve also heard that turning off Background App Refresh gives positive results. To do this, go and turn it. This can actually help settle your battery life as well.
Other Solutions
If none of this works and you can’t find a solution on Apple’s discussion forums, we have two suggestions. First, take the iPhone or iPad to a Genius Bar at your local Apple Store. They will help you diagnose the problem.
If you don’t want to do that, it might be worth doing a factory reset. Factory reset will clean your device.
Select to do this. This will erase everything on the iPhone or iPad, so back it up before doing this, although we don’t recommend doing it without a restore. Setting up all your accounts and apps is time consuming, but it can be the quickest way to fix nasty iOS 7.1.2 issues.