The Samsung Galaxy S10 is a great phone with a lot to love, but some of its newer tech isn’t perfect. In this guide, we will discuss Galaxy S10 fingerprint scanner problems and show you how to make them more accurate. If you continue to experience “no match”, misreadings, or other issues, we’re here to help.
Unlike its predecessors, the Galaxy S10 features an all-new ultrasonic fingerprint scanner under the screen inside the phone. The sensor sends out ultrasonic signals that can read the unique ridges of a fingerprint. While it’s really nice to see and use like something straight out of the movies, it does have a few issues.
With just a few minutes of time and two simple tricks, we can help you make the Galaxy S10 fingerprint scanner more accurate and make it work faster and safer every time. Here’s how:
Train your print by holding the phone naturally, not flat like in this picture
How to Fix Galaxy S10 Fingerprint Scanner Issues
As you can see in the image above, do not scan your fingerprint as Samsung suggests in the on-screen prompt. You can NEVER hold the phone like this during the day. When you enroll your fingerprint, hold the phone as you normally would. Most likely this means on your right hand with your thumb coming from the bottom right side of the phone.
Enroll your main finger completely three times and then you will check the system in settings which of these three fingerprint registrations is the best. Here’s how:
The first scan isn’t always the best either, so be sure to check which one the phone’s authentication system recognizes the most. Don’t forget to delete the other two. Now you have added the same finger several times and kept the best.
Additionally, we recommend that owners go back and repeat this process for their left or secondary thumb. Scan three times completely, then keep only the best scan and delete the other two.
Now you have two more points left as you can only have four saved prints in total. Add another fingerprint. Only this time you can do your right thumb, left thumb and even index finger throughout the entire process while scanning. Yes, a scan can recognize multiple fingers. That way, if the phone is on the table, I can unlock it with my thumb or forefinger. This gives both your thumb and index fingers a chance to unlock the phone quickly on the first try and with extreme accuracy.
While you’re here, take a look at these 10 cool things the Galaxy S10 can do. Then grab a case from our list of the best Galaxy S10 cases before you go.