How To Fix Galaxy Note 2 WiFi Issues In 5 Seconds 1

How To Fix Galaxy Note 2 WiFi Issues In 5 Seconds

There is a quick fix for many Galaxy Note 2 WiFi issues like slowdown or WiFi disconnection or even being unable to connect to any WiFi networks.

If you’re complaining about slow or disconnected WiFi speeds on the Galaxy Note 2, there’s no need to ruin your mobile data with 4G LTE. We recommend a three-step process to fix WiFi issues in seconds.

This three-part process can fix many Galaxy Note 2 WiFi issues, but it will fix every single one. Besides checking the settings on the Galaxy Note 2, it’s a good idea to restart your router if possible.

Galaxy Note 2 WiFi issues are frustrating owners.

How to Fix Galaxy Note 2 WiFi Issues

Restart the Galaxy Note 2 if you haven’t already. This alone won’t always fix slow or disconnected WiFi, but this is the right place to start.

After rebooting, turn WiFi off and back on. To do this, .

Fix Galaxy Note 2 WiFi Issues

Quick fix for Galaxy Note 2 WiFi Issues.

The next step is to make sure the Galaxy Note 2 is set to keep WiFi on during sleep. Many Note 2 owners will find that this setting is already turned on, but if not, that could be the cause of their WiFi problems.

On the same screen, make sure Auto-connect is unchecked. This has been known to cause problems on the Galaxy S3.

Other Galaxy Note 2 WiFi fixes include switching from 5Ghz WiFi network to 2.4Ghz WiFi network. This fixed our WiFi issues on another Galaxy smartphone.

The final solution to fix Galaxy Note 2 WiFi issues takes more than five seconds, but it’s worth a try if the Note 2 won’t connect to any WiFi networks. This is factory reset. Unfortunately this means reinstalling all apps and setting up accounts, so only do this after making sure you’ve backed up photos and information.

Tap when you’re ready. Confirm what you want to do from here and wait for the process to complete.

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