How To Fix Bad OnePlus 7 Pro Battery Life 1

How To Fix Bad OnePlus 7 Pro Battery Life

Now that OnePlus’ latest phone is available, we’re starting to see complaints about bad OnePlus 7 Pro battery life. It’s an impressive device with a beautiful screen and a lot of horsepower. However, the battery is just too big. If your phone isn’t lasting as long as you expect, here are 10+ tips for repairing battery life.

You do not need to read or browse the manual. OnePlus forum Hours to find the answers. We have solutions for all of the most common problems or complaints.

While this phone has pretty good battery life, even with its huge 6.67-inch display, it’s not great and some eventually facing problems. So, if you’re having trouble, bad battery life, or just want your OnePlus 7 Pro to last a little longer, here are some things you should change and try.

Basically, you’ll want to learn about these tips, tricks, hidden settings to change, or options and controls that will improve your experience and battery life.

Before you start, running the latest OxygenOS update from OnePlus. At the time of writing, the 7 Pro is OxygenOS 9.5, which adds lots of new features for battery optimization, camera tricks and more. For updates, go to.

Find Apps That Eat Your Battery

Our first step to help you fix any battery issue or drain issue is to find the culprit. To find out what really drains all the juice. This could be an app that comes pre-installed or something you downloaded from the Google Play Store. Sometimes apps may not work properly, cheat or misbehave after an update.

Your phone will send you a notification if an app is using an abnormal amount of battery, so pay attention to these alerts. Then, if you use an app a lot, it will obviously drain your battery. However, there are some instances where an app uses more than it should, and that’s what we’re looking for. go to This shows a complete breakdown of apps and their battery usage.

How To Fix Bad OnePlus 7 Pro Battery Life 4

You want to see (or View) or at the top of this battery usage list. If other random apps you don’t use are near the top, there’s a problem. Click the app and choose “Force Stop” or uninstall the app to avoid further problems. Use this menu in settings to help you find misbehaving apps.

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