How to Find Out Who Kicked You Out of a Meeting in Microsoft Teams 1

How to Find Out Who Kicked You Out of a Meeting in Microsoft Teams

‘Someone just kicked you out of the meeting’ – Does this message sound familiar? Many Microsoft Teams users are facing the same issue when someone randomly kicks them out of a meeting. Of course you want to know why you were fired and who did it. This is a confusing question and we will try to help you understand it in this post with Microsoft Teams.

Typically, this privilege is considered to be only in the organizer of the group video call. It kind of is, but things work a little differently in Microsoft Teams. What does it mean?

Well, find the answer here to learn how to prevent someone from removing you in Microsoft Teams.

Note: You can use the guide outlined below to prevent people from muting others in Microsoft Teams.

Why Is Someone Kicking Me or Others Out of a Meeting in Microsoft Teams?

If you are teaching an online course through Microsoft Teams, you must have encountered this issue at least once. Students in your class may be picking up other students just for fun. Adults are not far behind. Sometimes they even like to misbehave by firing their other teammates.

But why and how is this possible? The answer lies in the fact that Microsoft strangely assigns the roles of participants. So when someone creates a meeting in Microsoft Teams, they take on the role of organizer. Now, traditionally other participants should take a less powerful role. However, that’s not what happens in Teams.

Other participants are given the presenter role. Presenters and Organizer enjoy the same privileges except that the promoters cannot be removed by anyone. Apart from that, the organizer and presenters can mute other people, remove them, share the screen, change the role of the participants, etc. This is the reason why anyone can literally remove or mute you.

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Fortunately, there is a third type of role in Microsoft Teams – participant. Participants have fewer rights compared to presenters and organizers.

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How to Find Out Who Kicked You Out of a Meeting in Microsoft Teams

Without sugaring my words, let me make this clear. At the time of writing this post, Microsoft does not offer any features or ways to know who removed you from a search in Teams. Even the organizer doesn’t know. There is no log where you can check the activity. You are simply notified on the screen that someone has removed you. This much.

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So what does one do? Will the barbarian system continue? No. You can change the role of other attendees from presenters to attendees.

A participant does not have the right to remove other participants, mute others, or even share content. Nor can he change the role of other participants.

Let’s see how to make participants participants in Microsoft Teams.

How to Change the Role of Members in Microsoft Teams

The steps vary by computer and mobile apps. Let’s check both.

Join Member in Microsoft Teams on PC

Stage 1: In a Microsoft Teams meeting, click the Participants icon in the bottom toolbar.

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Step 2: A People section will open. Hover your mouse over the participants’ names. An icon with three dots will be displayed. Click on it. Select Make a participant from the menu.

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Stage 3: A confirmation screen will appear. Click Change.

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You will see that the attendees will get a separate section under People. Repeat the steps to change the role of other participants.

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note: If you want to make a participant a presenter, repeat the same steps and select Make presenter from the menu.

Participate in Microsoft Teams on Mobile

To do this, follow these steps:

Stage 1: On the meeting screen in the Microsoft Teams app for Android and iOS, tap the Participants icon at the top.

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Step 2: Tap and hold the name of the participant whose role you want to change. Tap on Join from the menu. Confirm on the next screen.

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Fly: Learn how screen sharing works in Microsoft Teams.

Things to Keep in Mind When Changing Roles

First, presenters can change the role of other participants. If someone is being very rude and has changed the role of all other attendees to attendees, an organizer can step in here. He has the right to change roles, because no one can remove or change their role.

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Second, don’t assume that if you change the role to a participant, the other person won’t know. A notification will appear at the top of Microsoft Teams for that person, both on their computer and their mobile app.

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Others can get information about their roles or other members in the Participants section. Users are categorized under Presenters and Participants.

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Stop Removing Contacts

The idea of ​​stealth kicking in Microsoft Teams is pretty irritating. Who is behind this treacherous act is unknown. We hope Microsoft has added a way to identify the person. That would at least make people realize that this wasn’t right. Until then, you must assign the participant role to your participants. Check out other tips for keeping Microsoft Teams interesting.

Next: Transform yourself into a banana or potato in Microsoft Teams. Learn how to use filters in Microsoft Teams at the next link.

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