How to File a Tax Extension from iPhone, iPad or Computer (Form 4868) 1

How to File a Tax Extension from iPhone, iPad or Computer (Form 4868)

Is April 15, 2014 approaching you too fast? Need more time to pay your taxes or find a professional to do them for you? We’ll show you how to file a tax Extension from iPhone, iPad or Computer to quickly get a 6-month extension to file your 2013 taxes using IRS Form 4868.

Update: Use this 2015 Tax Guide

Applying for a tax extension using IRS Form 4868 is as simple as filling out a PDF file from the IRS and sending it in the mail. There are Tax Extension apps and services that charge users, but it’s possible to apply for a free tax extension. a few minute.

To file for a tax extension, you’ll need to report the extension to the IRS by April 15, just as you’ve filed your taxes, but you won’t have to actually file your taxes for the past year until the 15th.

The tax extension application is free and no special reason is required. All you have to do is file IRS Form 4868, which automatically gives you a six-month extension with no excuses. This will push your time to file your taxes from April 15, 2014 to October 15, 2014.

Apply for 6 months free tax extension using IRS form 4868 on iPad, iPhone or Computer.

There’s a big hunt you need to know. If you owe the IRS, filing for a six-month tax extension doesn’t mean you don’t have to pay your taxes by April 15, 2014. If you owe the IRS, you must include an estimated tax payment on IRS Form 4868. will face penalties. It’s a good idea to base this on the amount of money you’ve paid in past years to avoid underpaying. There are some services that can use your basic tax information to help you estimate the payment you need to submit with a tax extension request, but again, this is something you can do on your own.

This guide will not include dates or information for businesses that will examine using an iPhone, iPad, or computer to file an IRS Form 4868 for an automatic six-month extension to file your 2013 taxes and will likely need to use an alternative form. may require alternative dates.

Note that this form is for your federal taxes only, you will need to check with your state and city governments for information on applying for tax extensions in these areas.

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When in doubt, it’s best to contact a qualified professional to understand the forms and items you fill out, but IRS Form 4868 is designed to make it easy for the average taxpayer to understand.

How to Get a 6 Month Tax Extension Automatically

Any U.S. citizen can file an IRS form 4868 to request an automatic six-month tax extension. This form is available online from the IRS and users can complete it on a computer, iPad, or iPhone. Using the computer is the easiest way to fill out this form, but iPad and iPhone will work in a pinch.

There is 99 cent iPhone and iPad Tax Extension app that will help with filling and offer a paid e-file option, but some reviews complain that the app doesn’t include free e-filing. There are also online services that charge a small fee to help you fill out the form, but there are only nine lines to fill and most users don’t need help.

Eric Bisignano, CPA and owner Charitax shares his view on paying to file an IRS form 4868 for a tax extension,

“I would like to outsource to save time and money, but the federal extension form is so easy to fill out that I recommend just filling it out yourself. The only information you need to fill out on Form 4868 is your personal information, the amount of tax you actually paid during the year, how much you can submit by April 15, and how much you owe.

That last one is probably making people nervous – but that’s a guess. Just estimate prudently or based on last year’s tax liability and you’ll likely avoid underpayment penalties. The same goes for the business version of the extension form for business owners.”

With that in mind, if you’re ready to apply for a six-month tax extension without paying anyone, you’ll need to download IRS Form 4868 and fill in the fields with the estimated amount you’ll have to pay from last year’s tax documents or tax document. Calculate your taxes with a free tax calculator and compare it to the amount you paid on a W-2 or 10-99.

1. Download IRS Form 4868.

2. Fill and print on a computer.

This form is all you need to fill out for a six-month tax extension.

This form is all you need to fill out for a six-month tax extension.

3. It’s free if you top up on iPhone or iPad Adobe reader.

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4. Print IRS Form 4868 and mail it to the IRS with a postmark by April 15.

If you’re looking at this after the post office closes on April 15, you may be able to e-file IRS Form 4868 using online IRS tools or by paying for a service like the one below. FileThen.

Does Filing a Tax Extension Increase My Audit Risk?

Some people worry that seeking a six-month tax extension from the IRS will increase their chances of receiving an audit or other attention from the federal government. According to Bisignano, this is not the case.

“The algorithm the IRS uses to decide whether you should be audited is not published to my knowledge. However, I suspect that filing for an extension will have no impact on your audit risk. As a former federal auditor living in a world of data mining tactics and red flags, the IRS is more concerned about whether you extend the filing period or not. is more concerned with the details of your custom tax situation.

Types of income, deductions, loans, whether you own a business and things of that nature are more important to an auditor. Plus, in the end, it would be foolish not to calculate how much return they could get if the IRS audited you. For a full audit to be meaningful, it must be worth the time or fraud is suspected.”

This will help users decide whether they need to rush to finish their taxes or instead have time to fill out IRS form 4868 to request an automatic six-month extension.

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