How to Enable Push to Talk Feature on Discord 1

How to Enable Push to Talk Feature on Discord

Discord is a relatively new VoIP service for gamers like TeamSpeak, which was introduced a few years ago. It is currently growing rapidly to become the most sought after service that people use to communicate with others during gaming sessions. First of all, you need to have a good headset for uninterrupted voice communication. However, if you have a mediocre headset that picks up background noise, or if you use the built-in microphone on your computer or laptop, other people in your voice chat will be distracted by all the background noise and echoes. creates your microphone. So, if you’re one of those people who cause these issues and affect other people’s gameplay as well, we highly recommend taking advantage of the “Push to Talk” feature available in Discord. Well, if you have no idea how to open it, let’s take a look How to enable push to talk on Discord:

Enabling Push to Talk on Discord

First of all, you have to Login to Discord using either browser client or desktop client It is available on Windows, macOS, and Linux. After successfully signing in, just follow these steps to turn on push to talk in a few minutes:

  • In the Discord app, gear shaped icon next to your name in the lower left corner of the client to enter Discord settings.

  • Go now audio section On the settings page and click on “Push to Talk” to open.

How to Enable Push to Talk Feature on Discord

Configuring Push to Talk on Discord

You have successfully managed to enable this nifty feature. However, you won’t be able to use it right away because you haven’t set a key for the Push to Talk feature. To do this right away, simply follow the steps below:

  • Inside Dispute Settings go to page, “Key ties” episode and click on “Add a Key”. This can also be done in the audio section, but here you can add multiple key assignments, so you can: add multiple hotkeys For the Push-to-Talk feature, simply click on it “Add a Key”.

How to Enable Push to Talk Feature on Discord

  • Now, select for Action “Push to Talk” from the drop-down menu. When done, click on “Register Keyboard” and Press the key you want to use for the Push to Talk feature. Now, click “Stop saving” To save the keybind.

How to Enable Push to Talk Feature on Discord

  • back to top now “Audio” section Discord Settings. You will see a slider just below “Push to Talk Rremove the delay”. This is actually the delay taken by Discord to cut off the audio signal when you release the Push to Talk button. By default this is set to 20 ms, but set this slider from 0 ms to 2000 ms.
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How to Enable Push to Talk Feature on Discord

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Ready to Try Push to Talk on Discord?

Well, Push to Talk is pretty handy, especially if you have a mediocre microphone that picks up a lot of background noise and echoes. It’s also useful if you’re using the built-in speaker/microphone combo on your desktop or laptop computer. By using Push-to-Talk you will completely cut off the audio signal as long as the key is not pressed. Users only have to press the key once when they want to transmit something, so other users in the audio channel will not be too affected by the background noise and will make their microphones reverberate.

So, are you ready to try this stylish feature that Discord offers? After using it, let us know what you think about the Push to Talk feature by capturing your valuable feedback in the comments section below.