How to Enable Emoji in iOS 7 1

How to Enable Emoji in iOS 7

When you’re chatting with your friends and family over iMessage, you can’t convey the exact same feeling as if you were talking face-to-face with them. But this is where emoji comes into play. Emoji are similar to emoticons, but the only difference is that emoji has a wider range to choose from and is usually built into the devices themselves rather than being made with traditional characters.

iOS devices have emoji built right into the keyboard, but you probably didn’t know that, considering Apple doesn’t show them by default. Instead, you have to go into settings to start using emojis in your text messages, but we’ll show you how to do that so you can instantly send emojis to your friends and family.

Enabling Emoji

To enable emojis, open Settings app and go to and tap on , You will be presented with multiple keyboards in different languages. Scroll down until you see it and tap on it. It will now appear in your keyboard list. If you haven’t added any keyboards in the past, you should see your main keyboard (most likely) and just below it you’ll see the Emoji keyboard. So, you have the emoji enabled!

2013-10-09 11.56.43Using emoji

To start using emojis, open the Messages app or any other app that uses the keyboard. There will now be a globe icon in the lower left corner of the keyboard. Tapping this will bring up the emoji. Warning: There are a ton of emojis to choose from, and when we say that, we mean that there are multiple categories of emoji and within those categories there are multiple emoji pages.

You’ll see basics like traditional smileys, hand gestures, random emojis like water drop, hearts, stars, and even poop (yes). There are even emojis of animals, plants and cars. To say the least, there are tons of emojis to choose from, so feel free to take some time and review them all to see what your options are.

However, one thing to know is that while you can use emojis in almost any app that uses the iOS keyboard, they will only appear correctly on other iOS devices. So, if you were to send a tweet with an emoji in it, other people looking at that tweet on the desktop would see a weird-looking empty square icon where the emoji should be.

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