How to Empty Google Drive Trash on Mobile and PC Simultaneously? 1

How to Empty Google Drive Trash on Mobile and PC Simultaneously?

Typically, when you delete files from Google Drive, they are sent to the Trash or Trash folder of the Drive. Google Drive permanently deletes files in the Trash after 30 days. What if you want to clear your Trash folder to make room, manually or for some other reason? We will guide you through the same. In this post, you will learn how to delete or remove all files from Google Drive Trash at once.

We also covered what happens when you delete files from the Trash. And various ways to fix the problem if emptying the Trash doesn’t work. Let’s start with the computer first, followed by the Google Drive mobile apps i.e. Android, iPhone and iPad.

Note: When you empty the trash, you won’t notice the changes right away. You may have to wait at least 24 hours for all files to be permanently deleted. So don’t think that emptying the trash is useless.

How to Empty Google Drive Trash All at Once on PC

There are two ways to simultaneously empty the trash in Google Drive using a laptop or desktop computer.

Method 1: Delete All Files Using Special Button

Stage 1: Launch the Google Drive website and login with your account.

Step 2: Click the Bin or Trash folder located in the left sidebar of Google Drive.

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Stage 3: You will be directed to the Trash or Bin folder. Click the Empty trash or Empty trash button in the upper right corner of the screen.

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Note: If you don’t see Empty trash or Empty trash buttons, you’ll find the Trash option with a small down arrow on the left. Click the arrow and select Empty trash from the menu.

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Step 4: A confirmation popup will appear. Click the delete forever button.

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Fly: Can’t delete files from Google Drive? Check out 7 ways to fix Google Drive file deletion problem.

Method 2: Selectively Delete All Files

If the previous method doesn’t work or you don’t see the Empty bin/trash buttons, don’t worry. There is another way. In this method, you will have to manually select all the files and then delete them.

Here are the steps:

Stage 1: Open the Google Drive website and click the Bin or Trash folder from the left sidebar.

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Step 2: Inside the Trash or Trash folder, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A (Windows) and Command + A (Mac) to select all files. You will see all files and folders selected when they turn blue.

Fly: If not all files are selected, refresh the page once. Or select one file and then use the keyboard shortcut to select the others.

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Stage 3: With all files selected in the Trash or Trash, click the Delete icon at the top. A confirmation popup will appear. Click on delete forever.

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How to Empty Google Drive Trash on Android

Stage 1: Launch the Google Drive Android app. Tap the three bar icon at the top to open the sidebar. Select Trash or Trash from the menu.

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Step 2: Touch and hold any of the files in the Trash folder to select it. Once selected, tap the Select all button at the top. This will select all files in the Trash.

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Fly: To remove only one file from the Trash, select the file and then tap the three-dot icon next to the file. Select delete forever.

Stage 3: With all files selected, tap on the three-dot icon at the top. Select Delete forever from the menu.

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How to Completely Empty Google Drive Trash on iPhone and iPad?

Stage 1: Launch the Google Drive iPhone or iPad app.

Step 2: Tap the three-bar icon to open the sidebar. Tap Trash or Trash.

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Stage 3: Inside the Trash or Trash, tap the three-dot icon at the top. Select Empty Box from the menu.

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Pro Tip: Learn how to secure Google Drive with Face ID or Touch ID on iPhone and iPad.

What Happens When You Delete a File from the Trash?

As mentioned earlier, removing files from Google Drive puts them in the Trash for 30 days. So, if you accidentally deleted the files, you can restore them anytime within 30 days as long as they are available in the Trash.

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However, after emptying the Trash or Trash, or removing selected files from the Trash, they can no longer be restored. The files are gone forever. If you delete a file shared with someone else, that person loses access to the file. If you want others to access them, you must transfer ownership of the shared files before deleting them.

Troubleshooting: Google Drive Empty Trash Not Working

Many users cannot empty the Google Drive Trash at once. If you are one of them, here are some of the ways to fix the problem.

1. Be Patient

It takes time to remove all files from Google Drive Trash. You should wait at least twenty-four hours and then check.

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2. Clear Cache

If you are using a PC to empty the trash, you should clear your browser’s cache. Learn how to clear the cache in Google Drive. You can also clear cache for Google Drive website only in Chrome.

Similarly, you can clear the cache in the Google Drive Android app. For that, launch the app and open the sidebar. Tap on Settings and then Clear cache. Check out our guide that explains in detail how to clear cache in Google Drive.

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3. Clean Trash Using Mobile Apps

Many Google Drive users suggested that using the mobile apps instead of the web version to empty the Trash worked for them. So give it a try. But be patient after trying it.

Google Drive Empties Trash Automatically

Now that you know how to empty Google Drive’s Trash, you should do it whenever possible. Otherwise, Google will delete these items from the Trash every 30 days, just like Google Photos’ Trash. Recovered storage will automatically show as available space in Google Drive.

Next: Confused about whether to include Google Drive Trash in Drive storage quota? Find the answer using our Google Drive Storage guide from the next post.

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