How to Edit Group Settings on Facebook on Mobile and Desktop 1

How to Edit Group Settings on Facebook on Mobile and Desktop

Don’t you miss the simple Facebook interface of the previous decade? Over time, the design has become more complex and offers too many features scattered all over the place. Even simple things like finding the settings screen require you to put on your detective hat. The same goes for Facebook groups and pages. ‘Where are the group settings on Facebook?’ If you’re wondering, we’ll help you find it in the sea of ​​settings.

Facebook groups are a whole new world in themselves. They can be considered as mini social networks within Facebook. And for any social network, the settings play an important role. But finding these settings is not an easy task for beginners.

We have listed the steps in this tutorial on how to edit your Facebook groups. The post also covers how to change the profile picture of a Facebook (FB) group.

Note: The steps and screenshots below are for the new Facebook layout. Also, group settings can only be edited by the group administrator. Moderators do not have the right to change group settings.

How to Edit Facebook Group Settings on Computer

Here are the detailed steps.

Stage 1: Launch in your browser and log in to the account used for the group’s admin.

Step 2: Open the group whose settings you want to change. You can search for the group or click Groups under See More from the left sidebar of the Facebook homepage.

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Then click the group name you want to edit.

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Stage 3: Inside the group, you will find Admin tools in the left sidebar. In this section, scroll down and click on Settings.

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Here you will find most of the settings related to your group. These include basic group settings such as name, description, group privacy (closed, private, private), group link, color, and group types (parenting, gaming, buying and selling, etc.). In fact, who can join the group, who can share, membership approvals, post approvals, etc. You can customize the membership settings.

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Pending member requests, pending posts, activity log, membership questions, etc. You can find other features such as under the Admin tools section of the left sidebar.

Other settings, such as archiving or pinning the group, can be found under the three-dot icon next to the search icon in your group. You will also be able to manage notifications for your group.

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How to Edit Group Settings on Android, iOS, and iPadOS

Finding Facebook group settings is confusing, especially on mobile devices. But don’t worry. Here are the steps. It won’t be difficult to find group settings on your Android, iPhone or iPad next time.

Stage 1: Launch the Facebook mobile app and open the group whose settings you want to change. Make sure you are viewing the group from the administrator account. Group moderators will not see the settings option.

Step 2: Tap the Badge icon in the upper right corner.

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Stage 3: The Admin tools screen will open. Here you will see various features and settings. Tap Group settings to view and customize most group settings. These include group type, name, membership settings, linked groups and Messenger rooms, party tracking, etc. Extra features are included.

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Other settings such as rules and membership questions can be viewed directly below the Admin tools screen. Tap on Your Settings on the Admin tool screen to pin the group or change group notifications. On Android, you can add the group icon to your phone’s screen as a shortcut.

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How to Edit Group Settings on Facebook Mobile Site

Stage 1: Open on your mobile from any mobile browser. Switch to the group administrator account.

Step 2: Go to the required group. Tap the small arrow next to the group name.

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Stage 3: You will see all the features and options related to the group. Tap on Edit group settings. You can customize the group name, privacy, type, description and membership confirmation from the settings screen. Other settings are missing as they can only be changed from the Facebook mobile apps or from a desktop.

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How to Change Facebook Group Profile Picture

To change the profile picture of a Facebook group, you need to change the cover photo of the group. Facebook groups do not have a separate profile picture option. The cover art is taken as a screenshot of the group.

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To change the group cover photo on a computer, click the Edit icon on your group’s cover photo and upload a new image.

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Similarly, tap the Edit icon on the group’s cover art in the Facebook mobile app. Select your photo and the same will be used as the group’s picture.

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Tap the small arrow next to the group name to change the group cover photo from the Facebook mobile website. On the next screen, tap on Add cover photo.

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Fly: Learn how to add a custom background to a Facebook post.

Power of Group Manager

As mentioned earlier, customizing group settings requires being an administrator of the group. While a moderator can manage the group, they do not have the right to change the group settings.

Next: Wondering what other power group administrators are up to? Check out the full list of roles and responsibilities of Facebook group admins at the next link.

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