How to Edit App Icons on Samsung Galaxy S4 1

How to Edit App Icons on Samsung Galaxy S4

Better app icon arrangement makes smartphone users more efficient, so we will show users how to arrange app icons on Samsung Galaxy S4 home screen, dock and app drawing.

The stock Samsung Galaxy S4 home screen doesn’t help many people use their phone efficiently. That’s why we recommend rearranging the app icons, placing the most used icons on the phone’s dock, and grouping the app categories into folders. Also, some users may want to add new screens or remove unnecessary screens, also called pages. This makes it easier and faster to find frequently used or even less used apps.

Migrating Applications

To migrate an app, the user must master a skill they need throughout this process. Tap and hold an app icon until it becomes portable. See the screenshot below. Then swipe the app icon, folder icon or widget to a new spot on the screen without lifting your finger.

Press and hold the app icon until the screen looks like this and then drag the icon to the trash.

Remove Unnecessary Apps

Let’s start by getting rid of any unwanted apps or widgets. To remove an app icon or widget, tap and hold until the screen above appears and move the icon to the trash or icon. Uninstalling does not uninstall the app. It just takes it from the home screen. The create folder icon creates a new folder with the application inside.

Creating Application Folders

When creating a new folder using the above method, give the folder a name. The following image appears. Type a name such as Entertainment, Games, or Browsers.

create folder in gs4

We can also create folders by moving icons from the app drawer to the home screen. Open the app drawer, the labeled icon that looks like a grid of gray boxes. Tap and hold an icon until the first screen above appears. Then drag it onto another icon. This creates a folder with two icons in it. Now repeat with all desired icons in the folder giving descriptive names to each. Tap to name the folders and then tap the title area above the icons.

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The phone allows users to add new folders from the menu button to the left of the phone’s physical home button. Tap it and a menu opens with an item to create a new folder. There is also an item for adding apps and widgets to the home screen and working with pages (see more below).

gs4 home screen menu

Use the “tap and hold” method to move apps to the dock. The app needs to sit on the home screen, so if it isn’t on the home page first move it there from the app drawer. When moving an app to the dock, if there is already an app in that dock, it jumps out and takes the place the migrated app used to sit on the home page.

Working with Pages

Pages represent screens of apps, widgets or folders. Swipe from side to side to switch from page to page. Notice the small icons at the bottom of the home screen, between the icons and the dock. Each little square represents a page with the home page represented by a Home icon. Tap them to quickly go to that page. By default, the Galaxy S4 gives users five pages.

create folder in gs4

Quickly add a blank Page by tapping and holding the home screen. A menu opens listing possible actions (see above). The latter allows the user to add a blank page to the home screen.

When a user taps and holds an icon or folder, the screen that appears has a thumbnail of all the pages on the phone. Drag icons onto these thumbnails to quickly add them to this page. One of the thumbnails contains a plus sign. This creates a new page with that icon or folder.

gs4 page likes

Another way to switch pages is the Settings menu, which opens when the user taps the menu button next to the physical home button at the bottom of the phone. Tap and the screen will show a thumbnail of all the pages. Touch and drag a page to the button to delete it. Touch and hold a page to make it the new home page shown when the home button is pressed. Tap the one with the plus sign to add a new page.

Creating Folders in the App Drawer

Users can also organize apps as they wish in the app drawer. Tap the app drawer icon labeled to open it. Then press the menu button as described above. A list of actions appears.

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app drawer menu