The FIFA series returns this year with FIFA 18. While there are some talking points about the game such as the return of Journey mode, better career modes, redesigned Frostbite Engine; Another great talking point is the number of skill moves you can perform in the game. As always, dribbling is a strong factor in any football match, and FIFA is known for supporting tons of skill moves within the game. One of the most talked about talent moves is “El Tornado”, which is also featured in the official trailer of FIFA 18. If you’re wondering what this move is and how to apply it, read on as we show you how to easily perform the El Tornado skill move in FIFA 18:
What is the El Tornado Skill Move in FIFA 2018?
El Tornado is a special skill move available in this year’s FIFA. basically spinning the ball on your feet and tossing the ball upwards into the airpreparing for a volleyball. You can see the move advertised in the official commercial trailer for FIFA 18 below:
Who Can Do the El Tornado Skill Move?
Only certain players in FIFA 18 can apply the El Tornado skill move. These players Cristiano Ronaldo, Antoine Griezmann, Dele Alli and Roberto Carlos. EA Sports has given the ability to perform the skill move only to these 4 players. However, FIFA states that as footballers prove they can do El Tornado in real life, their virtual likeness will unlock the skill move in FIFA 18.
Learn to Perform the El Tornado Skill Move
note: You can perform the gesture natively on a PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 or Xbox One. Alternatively, you will need to connect a gamepad, such as a gamepad, to perform the skill move on the computer. Xbox 360 Controller or Logitech Game Controller F310.
Performing the El Tornado skill move is actually pretty easy. To do this, simply on PS4 Hold L1 button and move Right Analog Stick Up and Sideways (corresponds to the direction you want to move the ball). Similarly, on Xbox One, Hold LB button and move RS Up and Sideways.
For example, let’s say I want to copy the exact movement as shown in the FIFA trailer. There, the ball moves to the left of the player. Therefore, my key combination would move the RS up and then to the left. And as you can see, I was able to perform the move quite easily a few times:
Yes, I didn’t really score, but the point here was to show you the rigged move. While the skill move is pretty easy to perform, I recommend trying it out in the Practice Arena first. This way, you can master the move and apply it perfectly in real matches.
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Level Up Your Skill by Learning the El Tornado Skill Move in FIFA 2018
FIFA 18 comes as a huge improvement over its predecessors in several ways. And as always, you want to be on the latest version of the game. This year El Tornado is one of the best skill moves in the game. The tutorial above should work well for you to perform the skill move easily. But it’s just a skill move. What other skill moves would you like us to cover? Let us know in the comments section below.