You can download the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare beta to PS4 and now start the Xbox One Infinite Warfare beta download. The second weekend of the Infinite Warfare beta kicked off early on Thursday, October 20.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare beta tokens or pre-orders are no longer required to play on PS4. Search and download the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare beta on the PS Store. You need a code for the Xbox One Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare beta.
Here are common Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare beta issues and fixes you need to know.
The Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare beta begins now for PS4 and Xbox One. Infinite Warfare release date is November 4.
Here’s what you need to know about the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare beta.
Activision has confirmed that the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare beta preload is now available.
The Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare beta is 19.2GB on PS4 and Xbox One, so it’s important to start the download.
By downloading the PS4 and Xbox One Infinite Warfare beta this way, you can start playing after the beta starts without waiting for the download to complete.
Where to Find Your Xbox One Infinite Warfare Tokens
Find your PS4 and Xbox One Infinite Warfare beta tokens.
With your Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare pre-order you get your very own Xbox One Infinite Warfare Token and five to share with friends on Xbox One.
This is the Xbox One Infinite Warfare beta download code that you will enter into the Xbox Store to start your download.
We expect these to arrive in our inbox earlier this week and allow us to start downloading. Previously the codes were from , but you can go directly to the source. Login to see that you are registered and possibly to see your beta codes.
If you don’t have the code, you may still need to sign up for the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare beta.
How to Download Infinite Warfare Beta
This is how you can use your Infinite Warfare Token to start the PS4 and Xbox One Infinite Warfare Beta download.
Redeem your PS4 Infinite Warfare beta token on PlayStation Store.
Turn on your Xbox One and go to the Store. You can then select Redeem Codes to enter the code.
You can also sign in to the online Microsoft Store, click your name, and then click Redeem Code to enter the code online. This will allow you to paste the Xbox One Infinite Warfare Beta token and then confirm that you want to use it.
On Xbox One, make sure you confirm that you want to download this game to your console. You may need to clear the storage for this to work.
To download the PS4 Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare beta, simply head to the PS Store and download it starting at 11:00 PM Pacific on Tuesday.
The Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare beta download is currently taking a long time on PS4.
You may want to plug your PS4 or Xbox One directly into your router or modem for faster speeds.
You can share other Infinite Warfare beta tokens with your friends so they can join you on Xbox One. No need to pre-order the game for PS4 access during weekend 2.