How to Download FIFA 18 Demo Early (Guide) 1

How to Download FIFA 18 Demo Early (Guide)

FIFA, one of the biggest names in sports games, is getting ready to appear with its latest addition to the fans’ favorite football game FIFA 18. While the full version will be released on September 29, the demo version is expected to be released. on September 12. And if you’re someone like me who can’t wait to own the game, then read on as we bring you our guide. How to get the FIFA 18 demo before anyone else.

FIFA 18 Demo Early Download

note: I tried the following procedure on my PS4 Pro, but the process should be the same for PS4, PS4 Slim and similar on Xbox One. The demo will be available on September 12, 2017. Also, the following procedure requires your system to be connected to the internet and an additional email account associated with it, which is not PlayStation Network / Xbox Live.

  • Go to Settings to get started. create a new user. choose “New to PlayStation Network? Create Account” at the bottom of your screen.

  • Now you will need to Enter your Country/Territory. Be sure Set to “New Zealand”. As for Language and Date of Birth, you can enter pretty much anything you want. When you’re done with that, select Next.

New Zeland

  • When you’re done with this, you’ll need to Enter Zip Code, City and State/Province. Enter the details as follows:
Postcode - 2579
City - Ararimu
State/Province - Ararimu

Postal code City City

After entering the above details, click Next.

  • Now you will need to enter your email id and password. When finished, click Next.

Email ID

  • This much. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete creating your new user account. Also, make sure verify your email id Once your PlayStation Network Account has been created.

Email Authentication

And that’s about it. While performing the above method on a PlayStation 4 Pro, the process remains similar on Xbox One. All you have to do is create a new account and set the region to New Zealand and you are ready. This is because the FIFA 18 Demo was first made available to users in New Zealand, followed by a worldwide release.

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So, whenever EA announces the FIFA 18 Demo (expected date – September 12), go to PlayStation Store or Microsoft Store using the new account you created and download the demo before everyone else.

Everything We Know About the FIFA 18 Demo

FIFA 18 Demo Release Date

FIFA 18 Demo Release

The demo of FIFA 18, the most anticipated football game of the year, will be released. September 12, 2017. will be available on PS4, Xbox One and PC through PlayStation Store, Xbox Live and EA Origin respectively. Expected download size for consoles to be approx. 7.3GBand expect slower download speeds with a large number of users downloading the game at launch.

FIFA 18 Demo Features

FIFA 18 Demo will let players take control Various teams in realistic stadiums. Here is the full list of available teams:

  • Manchester City
  • Manchester United
  • Chelsea
  • real Madrid
  • Atlético Madrid
  • Juventus
  • Bayern Munich
  • PSG
  • Los Angeles Galaxy
  • Toronto FC
  • Boca Juniors
  • chivas
  • Vissel Kobe

Players will also have the chance to play the first episode of the return of Alex Hunter’s story mode – The Journey: The Hunter Returns. However, we don’t recommend doing this if you haven’t played the first season, as this is where the story begins.

FIFA 18 Demo The Journey Hunter Returns

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Get the FIFA 18 Demo Before Everyone else

EA Sport’s FIFA is one of the most anticipated releases of the year, with many new features coming this season. The biggest highlight is probably the refined and more polished use of the Frostbite engine used in this year’s release; this is something users will taste in the demo as well. The FIFA 18 demo is expected to be released on schedule, two weeks before the actual game launch. I’m excited for the launch of FIFA 18. So you? Let us know exactly what feature you can expect in this year’s FIFA in the comments section below.