How to Downgrade from iOS 12.4.1 1

How to Downgrade from iOS 12.4.1

If you encounter iOS 12.4 issues, want to jailbreak iOS 12.4, don’t like the changes, or just want to go back to what you’re used to, you can downgrade iOS for a limited time. We expect Apple to turn off downgrading from iOS 12.4.1 to iOS 12.4 today or later this week. If you’re trying to downgrade from iOS 13 to iOS 12.4 to jailbreak, you can do that too.

You can downgrade from iOS 12.4.1, but not fully downgrade to iOS 12 or iOS 11. You can then restore a backup you made while on iOS 12.4. You cannot restore a backup made in iOS 12.4.

Officially, Apple does not support an iOS 12 downgrade process, but it is actually very simple. If you want to get all your data back, expect to spend about 20 to 30 minutes downgrading and then longer restoring from a backup.

Apple has already closed the downgrade from iOS 12 to iOS 11, so you’re stuck with iOS 12.

How to Downgrade from iOS 12.4.1 to iOS 12.4

This is how to downgrade from iOS 12.

This guide will show you how to roll back to iOS 12.4 on your iPhone or iPad. You can’t read on your device when downgrading, so print it or pull up on another device.

If you’ve made an archived backup, you’re sure to be able to go back. If you are worried, we recommend that you make sure to make a backup of your iPhone or iPad in iOS 12 to be safe.

Here’s what you need to do to revert from iOS 12.4.1 to iOS 12.4.

  1. Download iOS 12.4 update for your iPhone from this website.
  2. . If you don’t have one, don’t proceed.
  3. Turn off Find My iPhone on your iPhone. go
  4. Once your phone is backed up and all the above steps are complete, the .
  5. and .

    Click the iPhone icon in iTunes.

    Click the iPhone icon in iTunes.

  6. . when you click and .
  7. In the window that opens, click open.
  8. . to start this process
  9. . Once complete, you will be back to iOS 12.4.

Once the process is complete, you can decide whether you want to restore locally or from a backup you created in iTunes. When setting up your iPhone, it will ask if you want to set it up as new or restore a backup. When this screen appears, select the option you want. Most people will want to restore from a backup.

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